• Dança 3
Book Launch | Fin Qui Ho Parlato»: a condição profissional dos músicos na Lisboa oitocentista e outros ensaios

The book «Fin Qui Ho Parlato»: a condição profissional dos músicos na Lisboa oitocentista e outros ensaios, published by Colibri under the PROFMUS - Ser Musico em Portugal: a condição socioprofissional dos músicos em Lisboa (1750-1985) project, hosted by INET-md (NOVA FCSH), gathers a set of texts written by the musicologist Francesco Esposito (1964-2020), selected and organized by a group of friends and colleagues, who thus pay homage to his memory and legacy.

It is a series of articles and book chapters, written between 1999 and 2020, which were dispersed among several national and international scientific publications, preceded by an unpublished one, more specifically one of the last oral presentations Esposito gave, which dealt with one of his recent research interests: Rossini's relationship with the Portuguese Royal House.

The edition was coordinated by INET-md researchers Cristina Fernandes and Tiago Hora, with the participation of Guido Olivieri, Livia Apa, Luísa Cymbron, Luisa Nardini, Rosa Paula Rocha Pinto and Sara Ludovico in the selection and revision. The work will be presented by Paulo Ferreira de Castro and Livia Apa.



For more information about this book launch, access the National Library of Portugal's webpage, here.