Book Launch | Música en las cortes ibéricas (1700-1834): ceremonial, artes del espectáculo y representación del poder
In association with Museum Medeiros e Almeida, INET-md organizes a session celebrating the launching of the colective book Música en las cortes ibéricas (1700-1834): ceremonial, artes del espectáculo y representación del poder, co-edited by Cristina Fernandes, integrated researcher at INET-md and coordinator of the Research Group on Historical and Cultural Studies in Music, in partnership with Judith Ortega, researcher at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and collaborator of the same group.
2024.05.21 | 6 pm | Museum Medeiros e Almeida | Rua Rosa Araújo, 41, 1250-194 Lisbon | Free Entrance
The volume published by the Sociedad Española de Musicologia will be presented by the historian Pedro Urbano (IHC) and the musicologist and librarian Maria João Albuquerque (INET-md). Adding to the session, Fernando Miguel Jalôto, a researcher at INET-md who also took part of the book, authoring one of its chapters, will performe a musical moment on the harpsichord.

For more information on the book, click here.