Dulce Simões wins the Research Prize of the City of Almada 2015

Dulce Simões, postdoctoral researcher at INET-md, has won the 2nd edition of the Research Prize of the City of Almada, in the category of Humanities, with the work "Memórias e Identidades da Cooperativa de Consumo Piedense".
The evaluation of the research projects was in charge of a jury that includes representatives of the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa - Artur Anselmo de Oliveira Soares, José Alberto Loureiro dos Santos, Luís António Aires Barros and Miguel Telles Antunes - and Councilman Antonio Matos representing the Municipality of Almada.
Promoted by the city of Almada, the Prémio de Investigação Cidade de Almada fosters the potential of research as an engine of local development, and aims to project the Municipality as an area of knowledge and innovation.
