• Disco
INET-md integrated researcher Filippo Bonini Baraldi co-signs an article titled "Perspectives on Musical Care Throughout the Life Course: Introducing the Musical Care International Network", published in the academic journal Music & Science.

The term “musical care” is defined by Spiro and Sanfilippo (2022) as “the role of music — music listening as well as music-making — in supporting any aspect of people's developmental or health needs” (pp. 2–3). The aims of this paper are to (1) better understand the diverse practices, applications, contexts, and impacts of musical care around the globe and (2) introduce the Musical Care International Network.
Music & Science is a new interdisciplinary journal, peer-reviewed and online, published by SAGE in association with SEMPRE. (Journal Metrics SCOPUS: CiteScore 2.800;  Source-normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 1.051;  SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 0.544)
Both article and journal are available in open access.