• Disco2
Last September, Caio Felipe Mourãoa PhD candidate researcher of INET-md at NOVA FCSH, presented the paper titled "'Bicha pre-tra-tra-tra-tra': o enviadescimento artivista de Pabllo Vittar e Linn da Quebrada"at XXXVI Congresso da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Música (ANPPOM), that took place in Salvador, Brazil. The full paper was published online in the conference proceedings of ANPPOM and can be found athttps://anppom.org.br/congressos/anais/v34/
Despite being LGBT+ artivists, black, members of cyber-culture-remix and raised on the ghettos of large Brazilian cities, singers Pabllo Vittar and Linn da Quebrada achieved great marketing projection, including internationally, through their partnership with the mainstream. In this article, I will try to understand what other factors contributed to the success of these artists and whether they managed to maintain their ethical convictions, even when related to the music market. To this end, I carried out a comparative study of both careers, finding eight common aspects that seem to have contributed to their success. I noticed that Vittar seemed satisfied with this partnership, complaining a little about it. However, Linn suffered from this relationship, even suspending her professional activities due to depression.