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Integrated | PhD Student | Science and Technology Manager | INETBase Coordinator
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas | Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. de Berna, n.º 26 C
1069-061 Lisboa
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Tel: (+351) 21 790 83 00 (ext. 1583)


Researcher at INET-md since 2004, he began his academic studies at the Portuguese Catholic University in Economics, and later switched to Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities in 2000. Having specialized in Sociology of Music, he completed his degree in 2003 with a dissertation entitled "Máquina do Tempo - Músicas ouvidas, fases vividas". He completed his postgraduate degree in Sociology of Knowledge in 2004, at which time he was already carrying out research work for the Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX (Encyclopedia of Music in Portugal in the 20th Century) as an editor, and member of the Editorial Team. In 2005, he became part of the first team for Fado's application to the World Heritage List, during which time he developed the database of historical phonograms (78 rpm) of fado and other popular music genres. It was within this context that he discovered the vast field of Teatro de Revista in Portugal, a subject he chose for his PhD dissertation, particularly the role of impresarios in the Entertainment Industry, framing his work within the scope of Historical and Economic Ethnomusicology. He has been a member of R&D project teams funded by FCT, such as A Indústria Fonográfica em Portugal no Século XX, Jazz em Portugal: Os legados de Luís Villas-Boas e do Hot Clube de Portugal, a.o. He was co-coordinator of the project História do Espectáculo e do Teatro em Portugal, funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Driven by his interest in the city of Lisbon (framework for all his research work), he has carried out substantial research into Lisbon's toponymy. He has been a musician and composer in a pop-rock group since 1997 and is Vice-President and Financial Director of the NGO Kanimambo - Associação de Apoio ao Albinismo. He currently carries out financial management duties at INET-md.

Doctoral Project




"The theatre of the people or for the people, I'm the one who makes it" - Vasco Morgado and the Revue Theatre in Lisbon (1951-1978)






Salwa Castelo-Branco




This work aims to demonstrate the existence and production processes of an Entertainment Industry based on commercial-musical theater in Portugal, with Lisbon as the observation scope, between 1951 and 1978, period of the active work of Vasco Morgado, the most important producer / theatrical Impresario of the second half of the twentieth century. The lack of studies or literature on this company demonstrates a clear gap to be filled, especially considering that the vast majority of those involved in the production process (in terms of creation and execution) operated in the service of this company. Shaped by studies in the context of Popular Music, Ethnomusicology and Sociology, this dissertation intends, as thoroughly as the available sources allow, to establish the relationship between the theatrical genre of greater adherence of the Portuguese public - the Revue - and the rest of the Music Industry, based on case studies of the most important performances brought to the scene by Vasco Morgado at the Teatro Monumental. In this context, original operational concepts were created, such as "Popular Music Theatre" and "Performative Layers" to ensure the necessary detail in which this analysis is concerned.