• Dança7
Brought to print by SEdeM - Sociedad Española de Musícologia, the book Música en las cortes ibéricas (1700-1834): ceremonial, artes del espectáculo y representación del poder, is now out. The book was edited by Cristina Fernandes, integrated researcher at INET-md and coordinator of the Research Group Historical and Cultural Studies in Music, with Judith Ortega, researcher at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and collaborator of this same group.
Besides the introduction, signed by both editors, in this book we can find several other contributions made by INET-md researcheres, namely, in order of the chapters:
Pedro Castro | "D'alma tua trare un imago": A representação da realeza nas obras dramático-musicais no tempo de D. Maria I
Sara Braga Simões | "Bella, e agradável Muzica" no Paço da Ajuda e em Madrid: Novos dados sobre obras compostas para o duplo casamento real de 1785
Fernando Miguel Jalôto | Antonio Tedeschi, cantor e compositor da Real Capela de Nossa Senhora da Ajuda (1755-1770)
Cristina FernandesTe Deum nas cerimóias dinásticas da segunda metade do século XVIII
Diana Vinagre | O repertório com fagotes e violoncelos obrigados nas Capelas Reais da corte portuguesa no limiar do século XIX
Also noteworthy are the chapters written by researchers collaborating with the RG Historical and Cultural Studies in Music:
Judith Ortega | La dirección musical de la Real Cámara durante el reinado de Fernando VII (1814-1833): gestión, composición e interpretación
Vanda de Sá | Práticas musicais na corte: A figura feminina como modelo para a prepetuação da "ilusão dos salões"
Raquel da Silva Aranha | Antonio, Luigi e Lorenzo Lacombra: dos entreatos de ópera em Portugal e Espanha para os palcos da América Portugueza oitocentista



Table of Contents | More information on the publisher's website


Book synopsis:
Music was a fundamental aspect of court culture during the Ancien Régime and constitutes a field of study of great historical importance, both as a form of political representation and religious expression, and as a factor of social distinction, sociability, delight or entertainment. This book proposes a space for exchange on research into court music and the performing arts in the Iberian sphere and aims to contribute to promote the dialogue between researchers in Spain and Portugal. The close relations between the two kindoms gave rise to various types of exchange, both of musicians and of musical repertoires and practices. The celebration of several marriages throughout the 18th and 19th centuries between princes of both royal houses served to strengthen the ties between the Iberian monarchies. Music played a fundamental role in these ceremonies and contributed to the dissemination of certain authors and musical genres. The content of the book is organised into four sections, respectively dedicated to stage music, which is a fundamental aspect in the representation of power; religious music linked to the activity of the royal chapels and to a strict liturgical ceremonial; music in the context of the Royal Chamber; and the study of historical dance, both in the theatrical and social domains. A comprehensive vision is proposed that considers music not only within the scope of royalty, but also through the extension of practices and models originating from the court to other domains of society and in close relationship with other arts.