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Bart Vanspauwen (INET-md) and Ricardo Campos (CICS.NOVA) co-organize a talk with Professor Simone Pereira de Sá (PPGCOM/UFF), next february 7th, by 10:30 a.m.
2024.02.07 | 10:30 AM | NOVA FCSH, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Campolide (Lisboa) | Espaço CAN SC | Zoom Room 
Free entrance, in presence and online.

Zoom Room:
Meeting ID: 924 4861 6451
Passcode: 092035
Imaginaries of Lusophone global pop culture: transversal alliances, diasporic experiences and postcolonial heritage
Simone Pereira de Sá | PPGCOM/UFF
What imaginaries about postcolonial experience and heritage – in contact with global pop culture – are created and how are the invisibilities, stigmas, clashes, tensions, and challenges of the postcolonial experience narrated? What transversal alliances between artists, scenes and musical communities from former Lusophone colonies are constructed and how do they circulate? The objective of this meeting is to share the main issues of an ongoing interinstitutional project.
Simone Pereira de SáSocial Scientist (IFICS/UFRJ) and PhD in Communication and Culture (ECO-UFRJ), with post-doctoral internships at McGill University (Montreal), King's College (London) and the Department of Sociology at Universidade do Porto. She has been a professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, since 1999; researcher with a CNPq grant and coordinator of LabCult, and has focused her research on music and digital pop culture. Her most recent work is entitled: Música Pop-Periférica Brasileira: videoclipes, performances e tretas na cultura digital (Ed. Appris, 2021).