Exhibition | What a Man is Capable of — José Mário Branco’s Collection
On 16 September, at 6 pm, the exhibition "What a man is capable of — José Mário Branco's documentary collection" will open at the Rectory of NOVA University Lisbon, in Campolide.
The opening event will be hosted by the team of curators, with representatives of the Rectory, INET-md, CESEM and José Mário Branco's family.
The opening event will be hosted by the team of curators, with representatives of the Rectory, INET-md, CESEM and José Mário Branco's family.
16-09-2024 to 18-10-2024 | Opening on 16-09, 6 p.m. | Rectory of NOVA University of Lisbon, Campolide Campus
What a Man is Capable of — José Mário Branco’s Collection
This exhibition focuses on the physical and digital documentary collection of José Mário Branco (JMB/1942-2019), a composer, lyricist, performer, arranger, and record producer who profoundly influenced the Portuguese musical landscape.
During his exile in France (1963-1974), he began organizing folders in which he stored documentation related to the various activities he was involved in, maintaining this practice until the end of his life. Years later, he decided to arrange them into archive boxes, which he kept at his residence.
Given the collaboration that he established with CESEM and INET-md between 2014 and 2019, the family decided to entrust this documentation to NOVA/FCSH to be preserved, cataloged, studied, and to continue the digitization and public availability work initiated by the José Mário Branco Archive, launched in 2018 under the direction of Manuel Pedro Ferreira. To this end, the José Mário Branco Research and Documentation Center – Music and Freedom (CEDJMB-ML) was created, being its scientific committee chaired by Salwa Castelo-Branco.
In the inventory conducted in 2021, 310 folders stored in 57 boxes were identified. JMB could have pre-selected the materials to be archived based on their greater or lesser artistic “nobility,” but he did not: alongside scores, chord charts, lyrics, and concert mappings, the approximately 20,000 sheets in the collection include lists of telephone contacts, receipts and budgets, varied correspondence with publishers, postcards, contracts, scripts for animated series, among other types of documents.
This exhibition aims to offer a brief sample of the richness and variety of this collection and its various types of materials, organized into the following sections:
1. Phonographic production – documentation related to record production
2. Theater, cinema, and television – documentation regarding activities in these fields
3. Political activity – documentation related to his civic and political journey
4. Phonographic archive – physical media and related items
CEDJMB-ML now invites you to enter this universe and, through it, glimpse "What a Man is Capable of."

Curated by:
Ricardo Andrade (INET-md)
Alcina Cortez (INET-md)
António Branco (Universidade do Algarve e representante da família no CEDJMB-ML)
Hugo Castro (INET-md)
Patrícia Lopes (CESEM)
This exhibition is supported by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within the Basic Funding of INET-md (UIDB/00472/2020) and CESEM (UIDB/00693/2020), of the Associated Laboratory IN2PAST (10.54499/LA/P/0132/2020) and the Project EXIMUS: ""We must warn everyone": Music and Portuguese exile in France during the Estado Novo regime (1933-1974)" (2022.05129.PTDC).