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News | 2nd edition of the podcast Quis Saber Quem Sou, on radio Antena 1
Event | Screening of the documentary film "Festival da Canção – 60 anos" at NOVA FCSH
Book | Independence in 21st Century Popular Music: Cases from Beyond Anglo-America
GIEEMP Seminar | Symbolic Performance of the Portuguese Nation: Ada de Castro and the Fado Cult of Lisbon
Events | Presentation of internal projects: Musical Lives of Ocihumba and ACTUS
Review | Drummophone: a fusion between sound art, installation, and the urban soundscape
Article | Harmonias de Resistência: A Escuta como Ecoativismo no Festival Lisboa Soa
8th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
GIEEMP Seminar | “Partir a loiça”: jazz, gender and performance in a Conservatory
Prize | Teresa Gentil awarded with Prémio Joaquim de Vasconcelos 2023
Article | «Unidade, trabalho e vigilância»: O «homem novo» nos hinos revolucionários de Moçambique (1962-77)
News | INET-md researcher joins Radio Radar team
News | Andrew Snyder was keynote speaker in the conference "Bandas de Bronces y Movimientos Sociales"
Interview | An Interview with Jason Gardner and Giovanni Kezich about We the Spirits
Editorial | Journal of Festive Studies, 6
Call | 8th Lisbon Conference: Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
Article | Practice research in free improvisation: Investigating relationships between interaction and musical identity
International events | Journée d’étude "Espace urbain et pratiques musicales: Une scène politique sonore?"
News | Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco honored at "Jornadas de Música Histórica: Notas no Tempo"
Conference Proceedings | “Bicha pre-tra-tra-tra-tra”: o enviadescimento artivista de Pabllo Vittar e Linn da Quebrada
Article | Surveillance, repression, and black themes in samba schools in Rio de Janeiro during the military dictatorship
Article | Free Improvisation as a Tool to Develop Interaction, Musical Identity and Musicianship among Jazz Students
Article | What's race got to do with it?: 'Racialized voice' and 'vocalized race' in Tina: The Tina Turner musical
GIEEMP Seminar | Contributions to the Analysis and Development of Ecomusicological Activism in the Iberian Peninsula
Lecture | Tia Amélia - the piano and the incredible life of the composer
Workshop | The vocal gesture: notes for an affective semantics of the scream
International Encounter | Conference Sound in Museums — opening edition
Prize | The book Music and the Making of Portugal and Spain wins the Ellen Koskoff awarded by the Society for Ethnomusicology
GIEEMP Seminar | Sentinel Musicians of the Ethiopian American Diaspora
GIEEMP Seminar | The phonographic trade in São Paulo, Brazil, at the beginning of the 20th century
News | Researchers of INET-md at symposiums of the International Council for Traditional Music and Dance (ICTMD)
Call for Papers | Journal of Festive Studies - Issue 8: Border Festivals
Article | Entre tradição e criação: dinâmicas das pequenas editoras de música popular de matriz rural em Portugal no século XXI
Article | ‘Lost & Found’ or ‘Requiem for the new Mozambican man’: Musicking transition from a socialist single-party to a capitalist multiparty system (1987–1994)
GIEEMP Seminar | Autonomy, negotiation and recreation: folk musicians and the case of their participation in “medieval fairs”
Exhibition | What a Man is Capable of — José Mário Branco’s Collection
Defense of Doctoral Thesis | Maria Rosa Pampillo Retana
Conference Proceedings | É, nesta Lisboa, figura de proa da nossa canção: visões das Fado Bicha através das televisões
Article | "Pathways for a Justice-Oriented Ethnomusicology"
News | Researchers of INET-md at the conference KISMIF'2024
News | João Martins creates the soundtrack for César Mourão's film.
Article | Musical activity, show business and post-colonial politics in socialist Maputo, or ‘the multiple sides of a full circle’ (1975–1994)
News | INET-md doctoral students at International Conferences on Ethnomusicology and New Technologies in Artistic Performance
Article | "Ai Quanto do Teu Sal...": The Counter-Colonizing Tears of Fado Bicha and Portugal
News | Doctoral Student from INET-md at the International Workshop of Ethnomusicology in Germany
Book/CD Launch | Sonoro Mar – Diálogos Fonográficos entre Brasil e Portugal
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Adriano de Brito Pinheiro
RESONANCES – The resonances of intercultural exchanges between students on their music teaching practices and methods
News | Researchers from INET-md present papers at the II Euterpe Conference
News | Andrew Snyder is a candidate to the Executive Board of the Society for Ethnomusicology
Musical Lives of the Ocihumba: Study and Revival of an Angolan Chordophone
Gathering | "How many are we": INET-md celebrates the Carnation Revolution
Open lecture | Ethics in Ethnomusicology: Continuing the Conversation
Prize | Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco awarded with Prémio Imaterial
Conference | Vargas, Salazar and the Fate of the Violas
News | Professor Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco elected for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Launch | Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa: Escritos em Liberdade
GIEEMP Seminar | The Berlin and Vienna Phonogram Archives: Changing Approaches and Perspectives
Open letter | In Defense of Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, Academic Freedom, and Ethnomusicologist David McDonald
7th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
GIEEMP Seminar | Co-existing in-between, co-operating across: learning/teaching music while seeking asylum
GIEEMP Seminar | Trends and Developments in Chinese Music After the Revolution, 1949-2000
International Conference | EUROVISIONS - 7th Edition
News | INET-md researchers publish international reference journal in Ethnomusicology
Call for papers | International Congress José Afonso
Chapter | La musique, la santé et la société: contribution de l’ethnomusicologie
GIEEMP Seminar | Cesária Évora: Documentation of routes and discourses (CISE)
Award | Susana Sardo awarded for promoting culture and heritage in the state of Goa
News | Ana Flávia Miguel is the new editorial director of Revista Transcultural de Música (TRANS)
News | Colloquium on the song "Grândola, Vila Morena" in Paris
News | Quis saber quem sou
News | Documentary: Festival da Canção 60 Years (1964-2024)
Juliana Pérez González joins INET-md as an Assistant Researcher
Article | Between War, Politics, and 'Something Nice Back Home': Uncovering the First Mozambican Experiences within the World Music Market (1987–1994)
GIEEMP Seminar | "We're not fans just to wave flags": the audience as gatekeeper of the RTP Song Festival
Book | A Construção Sonora de Moçambique (1974-1994)
Article | From “Sin Street” to “Education Street”: Music, Politics and Transgression in Maputo’s Red-Light District, Mozambique (c.1960–86)
Article | “Além do mar cruel...”: Canção do Mar e a neomercantilização do ethos da saudade portuguesa
Chapter | Embracing postcolonial diversity? Music selection and affective formation in TAP Air Portugal’s in-flight entertainment system
Book | O Som como Meio de Comunicação nas Exposições em Museus
Article | Das recolhas ao álbum como “cartão de visita”: estratégias e reinvenções na pequena edição de música popular de matriz rural em Portugal no século XXI
GIEEMP Seminar | The music ecosystem versus the music doughnut: a comparison of two concepts for envisioning the future of music during the climate crisis
Cesária Évora: documentation of paths and discourses
Article | In the interstices of the subfield: self-edition and entrepreneurship among folk musicians in Portugal in the 21st century
Conference Proceedings | Second Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (SoMoS)
Article | Affective Aspirations of Activist Musical Diplomacy at the Bicentennial Celebration of Brazilian Independence in Lisbon
Article | The Musical Expat: Privileged Migration and Baby Music Class in Lisbon
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Lucas André Wink
Prize | Marco Roque de Freitas and João Soeiro de Carvalho distinguished by NOVA within award of Pedagogical Innovation
ROSSIO Infrastructure | Ethnomusicology digital colections and exhibitions
Exhibition | Zés P´reiras Nacionais de Fragoso: sounds of relationships and affection
Article | Perspectives on Musical Care Throughout the Life Course: Introducing the Musical Care International Network
Call for applications | Research Grant | Music Area
Teresa Gentil
Beatriz Nunes
Ana Raquel Moreira
Call for papers | Special issue on: “Music education among refugee and migrant youths: sharing, belonging, including”
"We must warn everyone": Music and Portuguese exile in France during the Estado Novo regime (1933-1974)
Course Unit | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe
GIEEMP Seminar | Expressive culture on the Portuguese-Spanish border: sociocultural transformation processes, musical agents, and practices of identity construction
CEEMP | Fado from Goa
Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco was elected as Honorary Member and Susana Sardo as Member of the Executive Board of ICTM
Book Launch | Live Looping in Musical Performance
Book Launch | Music and the Making of Portugal and Spain
Call for Papers | Music Education among Refugee and Migrant Youths: Sharing, Belonging, Including
Internacional Seminar | Postcolonial Airliners as Cultural Mediators | Corporate Branding and Cultural Governance in Transnational Contexts
Conference | Protest Song Meeting - Protest Song in Ibero-America
Conference | Práticas artísticas e a inclusão de refugiados e migrantes na Europa
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Martim Sousa Tavares - The challenges of programming a Music Festival
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Ana Filipa Carvalho - Production and programming of Music Festivals and large-scale events
Exhibition | Seeing Sound, Drawing Migrations - An Exhibition of Ethnographic Drawings
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Luís Ferreira - Living the Village and creating a Music Festival with the community
MIMC Seminar | Professor CHEN Jen-yen - The Sounds of Western Others and Their Chinese Listeners in the Guangdong Province Region
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 6th edition
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Filipa Cardoso - Music Festivals, Tourism and Economy
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Gonçalo Madaíl - The Eurovision Song Contest and the Song Festival. Concept, Production and Results
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Ricardo Bramão - The reality of Music Festivals in Portugal
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Nuno Galopim - How to make the Media Coverage of a Music Festival
Workshop | Lisbon's Fado
Book Launch | Outros Celtas: Celtismo, Modernidade e Música em Portugal e Espanha
Award | "William A. Douglass Prize in Europeanist Anthropology" atribuído a Filippo Bonini Baraldi (2)
Exhibition | Chinese Musical Instruments in Mafra
Exposição | ORFEU [1956-2013]
Cycle of Discussions | Ser Músico em Portugal
Eurovisions Series | Back from Eurovision
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 5th edition
Article | Sounding the Nation, Sounding the Revolution: Music and Radio Broadcasting in Post-colonial Mozambique (1975-1986)
Book | Práticas da Cultura na Raia do Baixo Alentejo. Utopias, criatividade e formas de resistência
O canto alentejano: formas de resistência e horizontes de expetativa
A Banda Filarmónica Barranquense: entre lugares, culturas e práticas culturais
YouSound – Music education as an inclusive tool for underage refugees in Europe
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Alcina Cortez
CEEMP | Carnival as the Theory and Practice of Activism in the Alternative Fanfare Movement in Rio de Janeiro
Rádio Clube de Moçambique: História económica e cultural de uma empresa radiofónica num contexto colonial (1932-1974)
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Moisés Rafael
Conference | Rethinking the historical development of Haitian culture and religion from an Afro-Iberian perspective: The case of the Rara
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression freeing the self through EDM festivals
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in dance
Encounter | 2nd National University and Culture Meeting
Symposium | Listening to the tourist city: Tourism, sound environments and urban transformation
Concert | Persian Music
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression through metal studies
Concert | Quinteto de Sopros do Vale in Antena 2
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in Ibero-American symbolic imagery
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in gender and queer conditions
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in postcolonial and local epistemology
Funaná, Raça e Masculinidade: uma Trajetória Colonial e Pós-colonial
Talk | The role of the press in the construction of the voice of Amália Rodrigues (1939-1945)
Release | Funaná, Raça e Masculinidade: uma Trajetória Colonial e Pós-colonial
Call for Proposals | Festival Activism
Seminar | Music and Body: Tradition and Transgression
Meeting | IV ÀCORDA
Colloquium | Prevention, Access and Uses: crossed views on sounds and popular musical instruments in a museological context
Symposium | On the Music of Carnival
Award | Best paper
Concert | Heroic songs and poetry of neo-realism
Concert | Something is about to happen
Follow up Sessions | #1
International Symposium | HELP-MD: The Healing and Emotional Power of Music and Dance
Cycle of Conversations | To the sound of the viola: Dialogues on collaboration dynamics between viola players and builders in the construction of Portuguese wire violas
Colloquium | Independent Music Labels: Histories, Practices and Values
Book | Roma Music & Emotion
Call for Papers | Jornada SIBE - 2022 | Eurovisión. Fandom, Artificios Y Transmedialidad
International Symposium | ISMA'21: The media in the construction of the Portuguese Empire and Modern Nations
Transforming Ethnomusicology: Political, Social & Ecological Issues
Transforming Ethnomusicology: Methodologies, Institutional Structures, and Policies
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 4th edition
Roundtable | Wire violas and violists: certification, protection of intellectual property and innovation
Workshop | PureData + Loop Station
Roundtable | A Latin American Dialogue for Social Inclusion: Community Musics, Ethnicities, and Identities
Colloquium | Ecosonorities of popular music in Portugal in the 21st century
Call for Papers | Symposium on the Music of Carnival
Liber|Sound: Innovative archival practices toward sound memory liberation. Recorded music, transcontinental experience, connected communities
Roundtable | Recorded traditional music: talking to independent publishers
Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco is Professor Emeritus at NOVA FCSH
Professor Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco to give Last Lecture at the New University of Lisbon's Rectory
Our Music/Our World: Wind Bands and Local Social Life
A construção sonora de Moçambique (1974-1994)
Call for Papers | One-day symposium on music, dance, healing and emotion
Concerts | Finding Music and History in the Santa Maria da Feira's "coretos"
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 3rd edition
Summer School | Memory, Music and Resistance
Call for Papers | Independent Music Labels: Histories, Practices and Values
Call for Papers | SIBE+20
Congress | SIBE+21
Concert | Assim devera eu ser
Exhibition | Pharmácia Amália
Seminar | Music, healing and emotion among the Wana people: a brief introduction
Talk-ip | Archivo 8 Bajos: accordion and bandoneon traditional music collection from the North of Uruguai
Talk-ip | When the drum has a voice. The sounds and language of the Yoruba drums of Nigeria
Talk-ip | Socio-educational and emotional implications in components of Children Choirs and Music Bands: A Case Study
Colloquium | The Brazilian Choro: History, Development and Revival
Festivais, Imaginários e Identificações Transnacionais
Marrabenta: as dinâmicas históricas e socioculturais no contexto do seu surgimento
Processos de Construção Da Memória Nas Democracias Ibéricas. Os Casos Os Anos Do Século (1979) e Rocío (1980)
O Canto Que Virou Património
Communities of musical practice; transformative contexts for intercultural communication
"Fado" The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture
« Le patrimoine c’est nous ! » Voix plurielles autour du cante alentejano
Social Sustainability and Collective Participation Cyclical Dynamics of the Multipart Singing in the Village of Manhouce
Apresentação do Dossiê Temático sobre Choro
Maestro e Etnógrafo Vergílio Pereira: entre a descoberta do folclore e o compromisso de transformação social
O diário de uma jovem pianista portuense: Leonilda Moreira de Sá 1899
Nocturnal practices in Penha Garcia, Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal: the importance of Catarina Sargenta and Maria Nabais in encomendação das almas
José dos Santos Pinto: retrato de um músico profissional durante o Estado Novo
Saudade do Cinema Paradiso
Fizémos Música! Repertórios, participações musicais e sociabilidade
Launch | YouSound Zine
CD Launch | "Músicos Ocultos": ao Quinteto Nacional de Sopro
Book Launch | Atores da educação musical: etnografia nos programas socioculturais El Sistema, Neojiba e Orquestra Geração
Book Launch | Critical Brass - Street Carnival and Musical Activism in Olympic Rio de Janeiro
Exhibition | Vergílio Pereira: Itineraries of an ethnographer
Group reading | 'Sonic Agency' by Brandon LaBelle
Colloquium | Caetano Veloso and the Asa da Palavra: censorship, exile and song
Workshop | MEYES: Audio Storytelling Practices
Encontro da Canção de Protesto
Conference | Encontro da Canção de Protesto
Radio Show | Giro 78: viagens sonoras em goma-laca
Call for Papers: Jornadas SIBE 2019 - Jornadas Internacionais de Investigação Musical
De não saber o que me espera: nos 90 anos de José Afonso
Music and Nationalism Today: Armenian Diaspora, ethnic conflict and nationalism
Music and Nationalism Today: Symbolic Contestation
4th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
Music and Nationalism Today: Norse mythology in popular music and culture
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 2nd edition
Music and Nationalism: popular culture and globalisation
Music and Nationalism: ethno-symbolism and heritage
Finissage - Exposição "Orgulho Bairrista"
22nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group Musical Instruments
Music and Nationalism:post-colonialism and emergent new states
Music and Nationalism: transition, historical remarks and popular culture
Luiz Heitor Corrêa de Azevedo e o Pan-Americanismo Musical (1939-1947)
Flicts: As cores e os sons que aproximaram Ziraldo e Sérgio Ricardo
XyLoops: Composição e performance de uma obra para xilofone e eletrônica em tempo real (live looping)
Uma paisagem cultural de Jacutinga
Goan Encyclopedia of Goan and Musicians
Hindu Jati (castes) from Diu Island and the Reproduction of Religious Expressive Culture in the Hindu-Gujarati Diaspora in Mozambique and in Portugal: the Kathiyawadi Bhaja
Refletindo sobre a prática de conjuntos musicais no currículo universitário
[Portuguese] §3. Folk-music and oral literature
Vatapá, comida rara: cantando a receita no início da era fonográfica
Modinhas à moda dos Toques do Caramulo: para músicos feitos ou a caminho
Memórias no feminino: O Círculo de Cultura Musical do Porto (1939-2007)
Songs from Ceylon: collection of Portuguese Creole musics from South Asia
Lição inaugural do Programa Doutoral em Música
Music research and new Technologies toward the restitution of the Timbila collection of the Natinal Museum of Ethnology
ORFEU (1956-1983): The Politics and aesthetics of popular music production and consumption in modern Portugal
HELP-MD The Healing and Emotional Power of Music and Dance
Sounding Lisbon as Tourist City: Sound, Tourism and the Sustainability of Urban Ambiances in the Post-industrial City
EcoMusic - Sustainable practices: a study of the post-folklorism in Portugal in the 21st century
Sounds and Memories of Aveiro (SOMA) - Constructing a collaborative archive of sound and memory for the Aveiro region
Atlantic Sensitive (AtlaS) - Memory and mediation of practices and musical instruments in circulation between interconnected communities
International Conference | Rádio Con:vida
Mantendo Portugal vivo em Damão e na diáspora - a música como escudo identitário e simbólico
LOCUS - playfuL cOnneCted rUral territorieS: The Internet of Things in the intergenerational creative production of cultural georeferenced contents
Carnival Brass Bands in New Orleans and Rio de Janeiro: Disinheritance, Alternative Whiteness, and Musical Eclecticism
Understanding the concert experience: Implications for research and artistic practice
3rd Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
Eurovisions on RTP
Conferência Internacional Memória, Cultura e Devir - Estudos Aprofundados em Ciências Sociais
Gravações Mecânicas No Brasil e Em Portugal (1900-1927): Entre Indústria Fonográfica, Soundscapes e Arquivos Etnográficos
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 1st edition | 2nd session
Music & Dance Education under the influences of cross-culture in Macau (2)
Seminar - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (5)
José Alberto Salgado - Para estudar o Trabalho Musical
Acácio Piedade - Composição Transcultural
João Cristiano Rodrigues Cunha appointed National Coordinator (Portugal) of the EAS - European Association for Music in Schools
Giannina Malaspina cantastorie
Orfeanismo: Local Musicking and the Building of Society in Provincial Portugal
International Conference | EUROVISIONS - 1st Edition | 1st Session
Music and Nationalism
Workshop "Ethnographies of Musical Creativities"
Work Session "Collaborative Knowledge and Dynamic Representation Networks"
The Sung Word in Goa: the Work of Agapito de Miranda
O mapeamento das actividades do INATEL no âmbito da música popular
Live looping: Performance da música centrada no uso da loop station
Listas Audíveis, coleções conectáveis: agentes de memória e versões de registro da música
Etnomusicologia visual: desafios na elaboração de vídeo-documentário sobre o Cantar os Reis em Ovar
O acervo de Música da Banda Amizade de Aveiro: tratamento e estudo
Sobre diversidade musical e estudos de música – anotações no trânsito entre etnomusicologia e educação pública
Apontamentos sobre acervos de 78 rpm no Brasil: um breve relatório sobre a mesa 'Roda de 78 rpm'
Alentejo, visibilidade e ocultação: scriptualização e institucionalização de práticas musicais rurais
Os blogs sob o olhar do historiador
Fado (SAGE Encyclopedia of Music and Culture)
PERFORMA’15: Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Performance
Canções mensageiras: A cumplicidade entre Brasil e Portugal na construção das democracias através da palavra cantada
Institutionalizing and materializing music through sound sources. The case of Bruce Bastin’s fado collection in Portugal
Shared Research Practices on and about music: toward decolonizing colonial ethnomusicology
Identidade e memória luso-brasileira em plataformas digitais
Desafios na patrimonialização de bens imateriais de caráter religioso: o caso das Folias de Reis Fluminenses
Desafios da patrimonialização do imaterial no caso da prática performativa do 'jongo'
Kola San Jon
Music video clips. Collaborative filmmaking and digital circulation as a research method in Ethnomusicology
Folk music and oral literature: Portuguese
Reflexões sobre a identidade lusófona nas trajetórias das cantoras Carmen Miranda e Amália Rodrigues
2nd Symposium | ICTM Study Group "Audiovisual Ethnomusicology"
Professor Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco distinguished with Gulbenkian Chair
Professor Rui Vieira Nery distinguished with the University of Coimbra Prize
2nd Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
O papel da música na reconstrução da história e da memória em comunidades migrantes
Fronteiras e Topografias do Poder
Seminar - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (3)
Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (4)
Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (6)
Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (7)
Márcia Ramos de Oliveira - Breve esboço sobra a história do tempo presente: aproximações com a pesquisa em música
Study Day - Memória, Património e Devir: entre Futuros Passados e Tempos Inéditos
Study Sessions and Colloquia - Music and Emotions
Singing the Past - Music and the Politics of Memory
José Alberto Salgado - Para estudar o Trabalho Musical
Márcia Ramos Oliveira - As cinebiografias musicais de Carmen Miranda e Amália Rodrigues: um projeto compartilhado
Popular Culture, Race and Colonial Ideology: the Reception and the Practice of Jazz in Portugal during Estado Novo dictatorship
Post-ip'15 - Revista do Fórum Internacional de Estudos em Música e Dança
My Havana. The Musical City of Carlos Varela
A canção de embalar na diminuição do choro de crianças pequenas
Diálogos luso-brasileiros no Acervo José Moças da Universidade de Aveiro: um estudo exploratório das gravações mecânicas (1902-1927)
Tuna in Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World
Ethnomusicology and its Sisyphus. Inter-knowledge, dialogue and prudence for a disciplinary (re)classification
A arte do looping. A loop station como instrumento de prática performativa musical
Capa e Canção em Coimbra
Refletindo sobre práticas musicais educativas, diferença e emancipação
Ethnicity and Religion in the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina
Entre lo viejo y lo nuevo: tradición, reivindicación y turismo en la música contemporánea sanandresana
Classifying heritage by (re)classifying identities: the inclusion of Kola San Jon in the Portuguese list of intangible heritage
Por dentro da 'moda': impressividade e indumentária na caipiridade
Memórias e património imaterial no Algarve: entre arquivos e performances
Beatriz Helena Furlanetto | Ana Paula Peters - Tradições que cruzam o Atlântico: Boi-de-mamão e Rodas e choro paranenses
Samuel Araújo - Música e Justiça Social
Seminar - Culture, Science and Politics in Portugal in the XXth century (2)
Seminar - Culture, Science and Politics in Portugal in the XXth century
Cantar dos Reis em Ovar – inscrição na Matriz do Património Cultural Imaterial
Memórias da Guerra de Espanha na Fronteira do Baixo Alentejo
The Portuguese cançoneta and early phonography
Narratives in Motion: Journalism and Modernist Events in 1920s Portugal
A guerra de Espanha na raia luso-espanhola. Resistências, solidariedades e usos da memória
Composing for the State: Music in 20th-Century Dictatorships
Maîtrise de l’accord et du timbre d’instruments de percussion à lames par modifications structurales optimales
Jorge Correia | Helena Marinho - Compositoras Portuguesas Séc. XX-XXI
1st Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
Paulo Maria Rodrigues - Música, Educação e Comunidade: crónicas de uma vida breve e morte (mal) anunciada
Seminar - Culture, Science and Politics in Portugal in the XXth century
Stefan Östersjö - Métodos em investigação artística
New publication: Paroles mélodisées - Récits épiques et lamentations chez les Yézidis d'Arménie
Launching of Machinas fallantes - A música gravada em Portugal no início do século XX
New publication: Current Issues in Music Research / Musics and Knowledge in Transit
New publication: Armando Leça e a Música Portuguesa 1910-1940
Launching of "Armando Leça e a Música Portuguesa 1910-1940"
New publication: Contemporary Carioca: Technologies of Mixing in a Brazilian Music Scene
New publication: article by Prof. Dr. Frederick Moehn in the journal Popular Music, Vol. 30 - Special Issue 02
New publication: "Brazilian Popular Music and Citizenship", with chapter by Prof. Dr. Frederick Moehn
New publication: Chants tsiganes de Roumanie
New publication: CD "Portugal. Musique d'Entre Douro e Vouga"
New publications: "Music and Conflict" and "Dançar para a República"
New publication: article from researcher Pedro Nunes in the journal Popular Music
New publication: article from researcher Daniel Tércio in journal Performance Research
Video Forum: Amandla! - A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony
Exhibition invitation: Armando Leça - a música portuguesa nos novos meios de comunicação
Interview about the INET-MD project "Celtism and its impact on music in Galicia and northern Portugal"
Our music, our world: Musical associations, wind bands, and local communities (1880-2018)
Euterpe unveiled: Women in Portuguese musical creation and interpretation during the 20th and 21st centuries
Timbila, Makwayela and Marrabenta: one century of musical representation of Mozambique
Um contributo para o estudo da sinalética em ambiente construído
Coros madeirenses: sociabilidade, representação insular e participação musical
Comunicação visual: imagens que disseminam ciência
Projeto de Branding para uma Unidade de Investigação: o caso INET-MD
“Now, you are one of us” – participatory observation in the study of non-professional musical activities. A case study of Tuna Souselense
Músicas, memórias e outras pertenças: ambivalências do real e da ficção em práticas e consumos musicais no século XXI
Como guardar a lusofonia em canções: os casos de Goa e de Damão
El paisaje cantado como repositorio de la memoria y potenciador de nuevos paisajes: el caso de música raíz al Sul de Minas
Classificar o património (re)classificando as identidades. A inscrição do Kola San Jon na lista portuguesa do PCI
Ação musical, utopia e micropolítica em performance – um diálogo sobre a organização de um grupo de forró no Rio de Janeiro
An invisible network: music consumption and the construction of the Portuguese popular song
Los lugares de lo político, los desplazamientos del símbolo. Poder y simbolismo en la obra de Victor W. Turner (Rodrigo Díaz Cruz)
Música urbana en San Andrés isla. ¿Hacia una etnicidad más inclusiva?
Creole: Inside. Cómo hacer filmaciones no etnográficas puede servir a la realizacíon de una ethnografía
O Orfeon Académico de Coimbra (1880 – 1912): nacionalismo e cosmopolitismo no começo de uma era nova
Music and memory politics: emergence, history, appropriations
Seminário - Birds, Bells, Toads, Car Horns: Listening to Histories of Listening in Papua New Guinea, Europe, & West Africa, 1975-2015
Seminar - Geography beyond Geography
Sons&Saberes - Encontros de Etnomusicologia Dialógica - Pesquisa-Ação Participativa
José Alberto Salgado - Para estudar o trabalho musical
Pour un commun multiple. L'expérience du Bal des Pianos en région parisienne
“That Extra Thing”: The Role Of Session Musicians In The Recording Industry
Thinking Goa: A Peculiar Library of Portuguese Language
Antropological Perspectives on Musical Emotion
The art of looping. How does loop station technology change the concept of individual performative practices and its implications to the music market
The (sub)field of popular music production in Portugal: agents, values and ideologies
Ivan Vilela - Canonizações e esquecimentos na música popular brasileira
Os Sons da República
Vozes ao Alto
The sound of bronze: Virtual resurrection of a broken medieval bell
The Politics of Music Categorization in Portugal
14.ª Festa do Jazz do São Luís | Researchers in Residence
Encontro e sintonia com a modernidade Europeia: A Música Orquestral na história do Orpheon Portuense
A Arte de Saber Ouvir: A Música de Câmara na História do Orpheon Portuense
Hospedeiros do Oriente – O Lugar do Oriente na Literatura Goesa sobre Folclore e Música no Século XX
Gestão, organização e representação da informação nas instituições de memória: Identificar para integrar
A paisagem cantada como repositório de memória e potenciadora de novas paisagens: o caso da música raiz no Sul de Minas
O associativismo musical enquanto cultura de participação - um estudo de caso da Tuna Souselense
O Museu da Universidade de Aveiro: coleções, investigação e herança patrimonial
As ferramentas e/ ou serviços web 2.0 nas instituições de memória: do uso ao processo comunicacional, no apoio à construção da memória coletiva
Mapping “Portuguese Music” the Armando Leça Collection (1939-40)
Fado, Folclore e Canção de Protesto em Portugal: repolitização e (con)sentimento estético em contextos de ditadura e democracia
Cidadanias modernas: itinerários de Ernesto Maia no Movimento Associativo, Pratica Coral e Critica Musical na Cidade do Porto (1880 -1910)
Performigrations: People are the Territory
Folclore e Folclorização no Montijo: Trânsitos e Encontros da Música e da Dança
FCT/CAPES - Collaborative research in ethnomusicology: Crossing experiences of research and post-‐graduate programs between Portugal and Brazil
Portugal: Festas in Minho
Portugal: Music and Dance from Madeira
Improvisation in the digital age: New narratives in jazz promotion and dissemination
Jazz on Portuguese film: Belarmino (1964) and Alice (2005) – Two Milestones
Europeana Sounds
Indústrias da Música e Arquivos Sonoros em Portugal no Século XX: práticas, contextos, patrimónios
Quando a música se escreve: Discursos e narrativas sobre a música goesa na construção de um património desejado
Música e conciliação. Contributos para uma ecologia dos saberes a partir das viagens da música no Atlântico Sul. O caso das relações Portugal-Brasil
Etnomusicologia, música e ecologia dos saberes
De saudade à sôdade: Subalternidade e emancipação nas práticas históricas e contemporâneas do fado e da morna
The Family Mando
Tsiganes, musique et empathie
Dancing Ethnicities in a transnational world
The expressive culture in the Portuguese-Spanish border: historical continuity and socio-cultural transformation processes, agents and repertoires in the construction of identities
Machinas fallantes. A música gravada em Portugal no início do século XX
Música Instrumental No Final Do Antigo Regime
Armando Leça e a Música Portuguesa 1910-1940
Música e Saberes em Trânsito
Guerras de Jasmim e Mogarim. Música, Identidade e Emoções em Goa
Contemporary Carioca: Technologies of Mixing in a Brazilian Music Scene
Vês? nós já cantávamos antes!”- A fotografia como memória da música
Paroles mélodisées. Récits épiques et lamentations chez les Yézidis d'Arménie
Música e identidade na comunidade damanense: Damão e a diáspora
A harmonização normativa em Instituições de Memoria: os desafios e dificuldades na interoperabilidade
A componente participativa no cenário português: do uso à participação
Construir a nação com música: o protagonismo do compositor Frederico de Freitas no primeiro fonofilme português “a severa”
Ser Goês Fora de Goa: Música e Religião em viagem
Current Issues 2012
Cape Verde Music, Nation and World Music: post-colonial poetic and aesthetics
Entre o pudor e o rubor: práticas performativas, tensões sociais e histórias do batuque no contexto atlântico lusófono (2)
Communication in the Library: the Role of Librarians = La Comunicación en la Biblioteca: el Papel de los Bibliotecários
Dar luz aos textos, silenciar as vozes “des”- conhecimento e distanciamento em processos de construção da “música portuguesa” (1939-59)
Um ritual de regeneração e transcendência: o canto orfeónico nas primeiras décadas do século XX
De anjos a mulheres: o coro feminino Pequenas Cantoras do Postigo do Sol. Um estudo de caso
’Proud to be a Goan’. Colonial Memories, Post-colonial identities: Music and goan diaspora
Dar Luz à Voz
Music and Conflict
Chants tsiganes de Roumanie
Researching the Expressive Heritage of Ílhavo
Migração, sodade e conciliação: a prática do batuque cabo-verdiano em Portugal
Heloísa Duarte Valente - A importância do conceito de "performance" para o estudo de cancão
Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX - The Publication
Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX
Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX - Index of Entries
Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX - Editorial Team
Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX - Authors
Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX - Launching
Migrações 7 - Música e Migração / Music and Migration
Danilo Ramos - Comunicando emoções em música: do código acústico empregado pelo pianista à percepção do ouvinte
Portugal. Musique d'Entre Douro e Vouga
Susan Hallam - The Power of Music
Susan Hallam - Learning and motivation
Martin Stokes - Love as Knowledge in Turkish Musical Culture
Music Processes and Sounds of the Lusophone and Hispanic Worlds: a Project of Ethnomusicological Research
Multimedia Dictionary of Expressive Culture in 20th Century Portugal
Mapping out the Sounds of Urban Transformation: The Renewal of Mouraria’s Quarter
Music in Between
Jazz in Portugal: The Legacies of Luís Villas-Boas and the Hot Clube de Portugal
Música Popular e diferenças regionais
Derek Pardue - Hora de bai. Expressões de cidadania no rap kriolu
Ethnomusicology: Learning, Music and Diversity - Programa Ciência (Investigador FCT)
Traditional Arts in Southern Arabia. Music and Society in Sohar, Sultanate of Oman
Celtism and its Impact on Music in Galicia and Northern Portugal
Popular Music in Twentieth Century Portugal
Music, synergies and interculturality: 'MUSSI at school' project
Roshan Samtani - Konnakol. Sistema rítmico e métrico da música do sul da Ìndia
Jazz Messengers: The reception of Jazz and its promoters in XXth century Portugal
The Mafra Carillons: Development of Advanced Methods in Music Acoustics for Tuning and Restoration
Fernando Souza - Coco de roda em Pernambuco - processos de resistência e de reconstrução pós-colonial
Rafael Menezes Bastos - Música nas sociedades indígenas amazônicas: questões teóricas, metodológicas e técnicas
Laura Leante - Gesture, imagery and signification in North Indian music performance
Martin Clayton - Experience and meaning in music performance
Samuel Araújo - Sons urbanos e mudança social; notas sobre uma pesquisa participativa transdisciplinar na Maré, Rio de Janeiro
Kimberly da Costa Holton - Orgulho, Preconceito e Política: O Folclore Português no Renascimento Urbano de Newark, New Jersey
Bibliotecas Vivas: Velhas Palavras Novas Leituras
The Recording Industry in 20th Century Portugal
Listening to the Moving Images: New Interdisciplinary Methodologies for the Study of Sound and Music on Portuguese Cinema and Media
Portugal's Sound Patrimony: An Archival and Research project (part 2)
Portugal's Sound Patrimony: An Archival and Research project (part 1)
Preservation and On-line Fruition of the Audio Documents from the European Archives of Ethnic Music
Performance Practices and citizenship in Primary Education
Fado in the XXth Century: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Portuguese Intangible Cultural Heritage
Cante ao Baldão: Uma prática de desafio no Alentejo
Vozes do povo - A Folclorização em Portugal
O Alto-Minho na Obra Etnográfica de Abel Viana
Preservar o Património. Registos de Som
Music and The Construction of Identities in Migrant Communities within the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
Musical Practices in Madeira
Alto-Minho 2000, Musical Patrimony
The Revival of the Heritage of Traditional Expressive Culture in 20th Century Portugal
António Abrantes Almeida: maestro of Abrunhosa do Mato's wind band
Filippo Bonini Baraldi
João Ricardo Pinto
Cristina Almeida
João Teixeira Lopes
Kimberly DaCosta-Holton
Alcina Cortez
José Cordeniz
Giordano Calvi
Gianira Ferrara
Rui Filipe Marques
José Leão Neves
Eduardo Lichuge
Enio Souza
Ana Alarcón Jiménez
Manuel Morais
Dario Ranocchiari
Jorge Castro Ribeiro
Susana Moreno Fernández
Isaac Raimundo
Alexsander Jorge Duarte
Álvaro Barbosa de Sousa
Cristina Cortês
Ana Flávia Miguel
Carla Minelli
Carlos Cavallini
Dulce Simões
Francesco Valente
Iñigo Sánchez
Jorge Freitas Branco
José Dias
Katherine Brucher
Livia Jiménez Sedano
Marco Roque de Freitas
Maria de São José Côrte-Real
Maria do Rosário Pestana
Miguel Almeida
Pedro Nunes
Pedro Moreira
Ricardo Pinheiro
Ricardo Andrade
Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco
Samuel Araújo
Sofia Vieira Lopes
Victor Stoichiță
José Salgado e Silva
João Soeiro de Carvalho
Pedro Félix
Pedro Roxo
Leonor Azedo
Bart Vanspauwen
Maria Helena Milheiro
Jaime Reis
Patricia Opondo
Celina da Piedade
Hugo Castro
Pedro Rebelo
Michael Dias
Maria Espírito Santo
Paulo Lima
Adriano Oliveira Aguiar
Ana Margarida Cardoso
Ana Paula Peters
António Henriques dos Santos
Avelino Rodrigues Correia
Carla Montez Fernandes
Felipe Nunes Vargas
Helena Vasques de Carvalho
Horacio Curti
Jaildo da Costa
José Raimundo
José Francisco Pinho
Maria Rosa Pampillo Retana
Maria Teresa Lacerda
Marílio Cremildo Wane
Regina Monteiro de Abreu
Tiago Gonzaga Videira
Alix Didier Sarrouy
André Granjo
Maria Isabel Ribeiro de Castro
Pedro Mendes
Filipe Pereira
Alexandre Bento
Andrea Musio
António Tilly
Tiago Fonseca
Carolina Sá
Tiago Pereira Simões
Andreia Duarte
Maria José Fernandes
Ricardo Almeida
Caio Mourão
Andrew Snyder
Beatriz Machado
João Martins
Lenice de Sousa
Leonardo Medina
Marcelo Leite
Cristiano Tsope
Kelwin Mateus Monteiro
Timóteo Cuche
José Miguel Nicolau Pinto
Frederico Bezerra
Alejandro Reyes-Lucero
António Baptista
Regina Eufémia Rocha
Alexandra Urbano
Felipe Barão
Alexandre Curopos
Marina Bonfim
Rita Santos
Gonçalo Prazeres
Nathália Andrião Trotta
Agnès Pellerin
Alicia Pajón Fernández
Maria Peres
Filipe Morais
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