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Maria do Rosário Pestana (PI)
Jorge Freitas Branco (co-PI)




POCI-FEDER, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia-OE







August, 15th 2018 to August, 14th 2021




Maria do Rosário Pestana | Jorge Freitas Branco | Álvaro Barbosa de Sousa | António Fernando Gomes Medeiros | Ana Margarida Cardoso | Ana Rita Oliveira Lopes | António Ventura MartinsCelina da Piedade | Ema Cláudia Ribeiro Pires | Helena Marinho | Hélder José Marques Caixinha | Pedro Moreira | Rui Chã Madeira | Moema Macêdo Moreira | Sofia Lopes | Sheila Nunes da Silva | Jorge Alexandre Costa | Julieta Silva | Rui Filipe Marques | Susana Moreno Fernández 




In the 21st century, Portuguese musical folklore (PMF) reveals a renewed capacity for reframing, dynamizing and taking on a new social, political and economic role, both in face-to-face contexts and in the media, the 'global' markets of World Music and the Web,dimensions that require new approaches and systematic understandings. This Project studies PMF practices in the 21st century inthe light of current debates on the processes of participation in local social life and the role of small political cohorts in times of crisis (Turino 2008); the musical movement built around ecological values (Pestana 2014, 2017); culture as ecosystems (Titon 2009a; Sanfeliu 2010; Moreño 2015); the transformation of culture in tourist destinations (Kirshenblatt-Gimblett 1998); the impact of the proclamation of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (Titon 2009b); the conflicts betweencreativity and commerce/audiences, and authenticity and "world versions" in the context of music festivals and industries (Lysloff 1997; Hesmondhalgh 2009). 


A team of researchers from different research centers and disciplinary areas will develop an interdisciplinary approach and articulate fieldwork methodologies with collaborative research practices (participant observation, interviews, dialogue with musicians, practitioners and with the general public).


The outputs of the project are:Science with/for society: A website providing open access (safeguarding copyright) photographs, sound recordings, videos and podcasts collected by the researchers and sent by the general public through specific software created for the project; metadata about the participants; a multidimensional interactive map of PMF practices with a simplified English version; a digital laboratory for the interaction of researchers, musicians and the public. Impact on the academic community:: (1) Production of knowledge about (a) the social (integration, participation and creativity) and economic impact of processes of heritigization and local and national policies in the scope of the safeguarding/revitalization of PMF and cultural tourism;  (b) the role of PMF in the construction of local communities, in the transnational market of the cultural and entertainment industries and in the creation and (re)formulation of social values and conventions. (2) Publication of research in specialized national and international journals and a book with contributions from the various researchers involved (3) production of collaborative visual ethnographies and biographies;(4) participation in international and national conferences; (5) organization of an international conference. Outreach:Workshops to be held at specialized music schools to transfer specific knowledge of PMF practices and development of skills and historical awareness outside the realm of Art music. Training of young researchers in interdisciplinary research and science communication.



Musical folklore; Heritage; Socio sustainability; Cultural tourism