• Dança 3
The Journal of Festive Studies — which has in its editorial team two of INET-md's researchers, Co-Editor-in-Chief Andrew Snyder and Managing Editor Rita Santos — welcomes abstracts for eventual articles to be submitted by January 15, 2025 for its eighth issue, dedicated to border festivals and guest-edited by Elaine A. Peña (Washington University in St. Louis).
This issue seeks submissions that critically engage with border festivals — recurring ritual enactments performed at, across, or in close proximity to an international boundary line that foster cross-border communication, create opportunities for practical governance, or occasion the memorialization of shared histories. It also provides a platform for scholarly and creative submissions that critically engage how borders and boundaries can be invoked metaphorically through music, literature, performance art, and/or the built environment. 
For more information, please visit the Journal's webpage.