• Guitarra

The Sociedad de Etnomusicología, in collaboration with the Complutense Research Group Urban Popular Music in Spain and Latin America, proposes the celebration of an academic conference to discuss and analyze the Eurovision Song Contest, from a multidisciplinary perspective, in its different dimensions.

Proposals will be accepted for papers on aspects related to the Eurovision Song Contest, especially those involving fandom culture, musical creation, the communicative dimension, the relationship of music with politics and nationalism, etc.

Speakers will have a maximum of 20 minutes for their presentation, plus time for discussion.

Proposals should be sent before November 21, 2022 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (including personal data, institutional affiliation, proposal title and 150-word abstract).


Opening conference: Sofia Vieira Lopes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

For more information, click HERE