News | Researchers of INET-md at symposiums of the International Council for Traditional Music and Dance (ICTMD)
Recently, INET-md was represented at several meetings promoted by the study groups of the International Council for Traditional Music and Dance (ICTMD), in Kuala Lumpur, Oslo and Baku.

Between 27th and 31st of August, Caio Mourão participated at the 12th Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Music, Gender and Sexuality, in Kuala Lumpur, Malasya, where he presented some of the results of his doctoral research with a paper titled "Fado Bicha and its quest to validate the invalid".
A few days after, from the 18th to the 20th of September, INET-md was also at the University of Oslo, for the 3rd Symposium SoMoS, the ICTMD Study Group on Sound, Movement and Sciences, where three researchers were present: Filippo Bonini Baraldi presented, with Magdalena Fuentes (New York University), "Analyses of microtiming in maracatu 'de baque solto'"; Leon Bucaretchi addressed "Sound features of Manouche guitar practice"; and Miguel Almeida presented a paper titled “'Please calculate what I hear, don’t force me to listen according to your calculations': sound, individuals and sonification in ethnographic research". This symposium of SoMoS was hosted by RITMO, an important interdisciplinar center for research on rhythm.
At the same time, between the 17th and 22nd of September, the joint meeting of the Study Groups on Music and Dance in the Turkic World and on global Music History took place in Baku, Azerbeijan, under the theme of "Echoes of Heritage: Navigating the Legacy of Music and Dance", where INET-md's president emeritus, Salwa El-Shawan Castelo Branco, was keynote speaker, giving a lecture on "The Politics and Aesthetics of a Post-colonial World: Arab Music Heritage in Cairo". This symposium was co-organised by the National Conservatory of Azerbaijan, with the support of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture and the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation.
The participation of these researchers was financed with national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the UIDB/00472/2020 project.