• Dança 6

Susana Sardo

Within the framework of the social, economic and cultural regeneration of the City of Ílhavo, the local municipality has initiated a partnership with the Universidade de Aveiro (INET-MD), with the following goals:

- To contribute to the preservation and valorization of memory and local identity.
- To increase knowledge about cultural manifestations in the Municipality of Ílhavo. 

This project will focus on expressive culture, especially on music and the urban soundscape. Particular attention will be given to the historical heritage and the way it interacts with the imaginary of the city through intergenerational testimonies.

Using theoretical perspectives from ethnomusicology, anthropology and cultural studies,the expected results include:

1. Organizing a database containing information on ethnographic literature associated with local expressive culture;

2. Making available all the material collected on a website that can be used to: store, correlate, comment, promote and preserve the heritage of the Municipality of Ílhavo and its collective memory;

3. Publishing a book with a CD on Ílhavo's maritime heritage;

4. Organizing a multimedia exhibition on music and maritime culture;

5. Presenting the project results at the World Conference of the ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music) which will be held in Newfoundland, Canada, in July 2011.