Vozes ao Alto

Maria do Rosário Pestana (Coord)
Vozes ao Alto, coordinated by Maria do Rosário Pestana, brings together studies on the orfeonismo, a type of association that emerged in Portugal within civil society in the late nineteenth century, and the coral practices institutionalization process that, having timidly emerged in the late 1920s under the name "Coral" or simply "choir", acquired from 1980s a significant expression in the daily lives of an increasing number of Portuguese. The studies are the result of an investigation carried out by a multidisciplinary team under the project A Música no Meio: singing within the context of orfeonismo (1880-2012) ", funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology. The project promoted a study on music, society and individuals, who integrated the musical practices, and their agents, on the one hand, and social and political structures that contextualize, shape it and give meaning, on the other. The study addressed the collective dimension of social experience in doing relational musical, collaborative, participatory.
Vozes ao Alto | Publisher: MPMP, Porto | Released: 2015 | ISBN: --- | Size: ---cm | Pages --- | Language: Portuguese | Paperback