• Dança 6
14-17.10.2020 | Aveiro | UA
The Institute of Ethnomusicology – Center for the Study of Music and Dance is pleased to host the bottom listed international conferences at the Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, from October 14 to 17, 2020:
  • 16th SIBE Conference
  • 11th IASPM Spain Conference
  • 4th Conference of Popular Musics of the Hispanic and Portuguese Worlds
  • 3th Conference of the Spain ICTM National Committee
  • 2nd Conference of the Portuguese ICTM National Committee
In line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and with the Millennium Goals signed by the United Nations, SIBE+20 proposes to approach research in music and dance as practices of social and political responsibility grounded on the following themes:
  • Sounds, territories and ecological consciousness
  • New demographies, coexistence and social vulnerability
  • Music, archives and the digitalization of memory
  • Artivism, public space, and social networks
  • Queer-activism, feminism and new masculinities
  • Music and dance for an education based on social responsibility
  • Heritage practices and sustainability 
Deadline for submission of proposals: by 20.05.2020
Notifications of acceptances: by 30.06.2020
O Comité Científico incentiva a apresentação de propostas nas seguintes categorias:
  • Individual paper. Individual paper presentations are 20 minutes long to be followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The proposal must include a 300 word maximum abstract.
  • Panel. Organized panels are 90 minutes (three papers, 20 minutes each, followed by 10 minutes discussion) or two hours long (four papers and a discussant). A proposal by the panel organizer (300 words) as well as by each individual presenter is necessary (300 words each). Where an independently submitted abstract appears to fit a panel, the program committee may suggest the addition of a panelist.
  • Audiovisual session. Recently completed documentaries introduced by their author and discussed by conference participants may be proposed. Submit a 300 word abstract including titles, subjects, and formats, and indicate the duration of the proposed documentaries and introduction/discussion.
  • Performance. A proposal for the presentation of a performance, with introduction by the author and discussion by the speakers. A 300 word abstract must be submitted, including the title, the theme, the formats and an indication of the duration of the performance.
  • Poster Session. A space where presenters can exhibit posters and remain on hand for a scheduled period for discussion will be provided. A 300 word abstract by the poster's author must be submitted.
  • Roundtable. Roundtable sessions provide opportunities for participants to discuss a subject with each other and with members of the audience. Sessions of up to two hours long should include at least four but no more than five presenters. The organizer will solicit position papers of up to 15 minutes from each presenter and will facilitate questions and discussion for the remaining time. Proposals for roundtables should be submitted by the session organizer (300 words).
Instructions for abstracts:
Abstracts should include a clear focus of the problem, a coherent argument, knowledge of previous research, and a statement of the implications for ethnomusicology.
Any doubts related to the program or organization can be send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..