• Dança 2


Salwa Castelo-Branco

ref: REEQ/1035/EAT/2005 

This project contributed to the development of a sound archive according to recent technical and scientific requirements. Using sound recordings as primary sources, the team identified, inventoried, archived and made available early commercial recordings of music in Portugal. 
Institutions and individuals who own recordings of Portuguese music have agreed to make their collections available. A database of field recordings was constructed, including information on geographical areas covered, musical domains, performers, genres, etc. This resource is used by scholars, musicians, cultural institutions, and the media. There is no national sound archive in Portugal. Sound recordings going back to the beginning of the 20th century are dispersed in private collections in this country and abroad, often lacking the appropriate storage conditions. Hence, this project provides a point of departure for the future development of a National Sound Archive.