Música Instrumental No Final Do Antigo Regime

Vanda Sá e Cristina Fernandes
This publication is the result of a collection of essays devoted to instrumental music in the late period of the Old Regime produced by researchers involved in the project Instrumental Music Studies 1755-1840 funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology. The study of music at the end of the Old Regime integrated in a cultural context with analysis of institutions, publishing, import, circulation, uses and repertoires' functions was continued in the constitution of this team. The organization and structure of the book was confronted with the approach lines and the best approach developed in the scientific meetings held by the project team. It presents a contextualized approach according to the following themes: (a) the reception and provision of instrumental genres between Portugal and other European musical centers; (b) the market for music sales networks, connections between booksellers and printers; (c) the existence and dynamics of appreciation among local repertoires and international repertoires, including local traditions and European models; (d) the composition of repertoires and periodization problems; (e) the execution history of the repertoires present in this case peripherals, as regards the shapes and interpretation practices. The set of ten essays collected in this volume was organized into three thematic sections that allow encompass complementary approaches of a complex universe that can be subdivided into more specific focus lines. The broad spectrum of divisions allowed yet more circumscribed group case studies along with more cross-cutting approaches, keeping a unifying bottom line in terms of research results. It is also, by a combination of studies, applied to the Portuguese case the prospects that have been defined by the social history of music, the history of musical genres and recent performance studies.
Música Instrumental No Final Do Antigo Regime | Publisher: Edições Colibri, Lisbon | Release: 2014 | ISBN: 978-989-689-343-9 | Size: 16 x 23 cm | Pages: 360 | Language: Portuguese | Paperback