• Dança 1

The Permanent Seminars of the INET-md Dance Studies Research Group (GIED) are intended to be a forum where all its members (integrated and collaborators), as well as other researchers from the academic, cultural and artistic world, can present their work and discuss ongoing projects and research. The enormous challenges that await us are like a compliment to the insistence and persistence (some would say resilience) that any scientific research represents, with greater evidence in artistic areas, and one of the simple but representative reasons why the Permanent Seminars organized by the Dance Studies Research Group have salmon as their chromatic option, illustrating a continuum against the current, always moving forward in a resilient dynamic of strength and will.
2024-06-13 | 10 am-12 am | Zoom Room
Free access, in person and online:
Zoom Room
Meeting ID: 951 9507 9120


Dances with tradition: Fieldwork on traditional dance teaching
Ana Silvestre | Artista MUS-E
Carmo Prazeres | NOVA ATENA - Universidade Sénior de Linda-a-Velha
João Lara | EDCN / INVULGAR - Companhia de Dança
Montserrat i Domingo | Universitat de Girona
A dance professional who engages with the community through teaching dances or creating choreographies may identify as either a teacher-choreographer or a choreographer-teacher, depending on the emphasis placed on teaching or creative functions. In teaching traditional dances (both Portuguese and international), the instructor often relies on fieldwork, which involves gathering elements from traditional and community repertoires. This forms the foundation of ethno-artistic teaching, where tradition serves as both the subject and the product of choreography. This seminar will discuss the various aspects of fieldwork, analyzing its importance, possibilities, limitations, and benefits in the pedagogical and artistic planning and intervention of traditional dance teaching. The aim is to enhance the understanding of methodologies and strategies in teaching traditional dances, highlighting the integration of field practice with classroom instruction.
Moderated by Margarida Moura e Maria João Alves | INET-md / FMH-ULisboa


Ana Silvestre | Holds a degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Évora and a Postgraduate degree in "Dance in Educational Contexts" from the Faculty of Human Kinetics. She has been collaborating with the Pédexumbo Association since 2006 as a Traditional World Dance Instructor. She works as an Artist MUS-E (a project of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation) since 2006, with the artistic activity Dance and Movement at the J.I./EB1 school of Cruz da Picada and Malagueira in Évora. She was part of the ACCCA (Clara Andermatt Company) cast in the show Fica no Singelo as a Trainer and Caller of Portuguese Traditional Dances. She has directed staged dances in projects like Baile das Histórias (a co-production of Casa das Histórias Paula Rego and PédeXumbo), Bail`a Rir, and with the groups Folk Aqui Há Baile and Siga Bailando.

Carmo Prazeres | Dancer, choreographer, and teacher of Portuguese and world traditional dances. She holds a degree in Education and Sports from the Technical University of Lisbon, Faculty of Human Kinetics. Always connected to social causes, particularly volunteering in Senior Universities where she teaches traditional dances. She teaches Traditional and International Dances in schools, events, and social activities.

João Lara | Dancer, teacher, and flamenco choreographer trained at the Antonio Ruiz Soler Professional Dance Conservatory in Seville. In 2020, he received a Specialization Diploma in Flamenco from Loyola University in Seville, completed a Master's in Dance Teaching at the Higher School of Dance in 2022, and a Postgraduate in Dance Training from the Faculty of Human Kinetics in 2023. He has performed with several professional flamenco dance companies in Portugal, Spain, and Japan, becoming in 2015 the first Portuguese flamenco dancer to join a professional flamenco company in Spain. Over the years, he has performed in various countries including Mexico, Japan, Finland, Morocco, Dubai, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal. In 2011, he won First Prize in the ethnic dance category at the competition organized by the Oeiras Dance Center. In 2019, he received Second Prize for professional adult soloists and the Special Prize from Fama Centro de Dança de Jerez at the International Pure Flamenco Competition in Jerez de la Frontera (Spain), becoming the first Portuguese flamenco dancer to be awarded in Spain. In 2020, he won First Prize for the best pair choreography at the International Pure Flamenco Competition in Jerez de la Frontera (Spain). He currently teaches Character and Spanish Dances at the National Conservatory Dance School and is a choreographer for the Invulgar Dance Company – Inclusive Dance in Cascais and various educational and professional flamenco shows.

Montserrat i Domingo | Doctoral student in the Interuniversity Doctorate in Arts and Education at UdG. Researcher in the university research group GREPAI UdG. Master's in Performing Arts from UAB. Master's in Dance Movement Therapy from UB. Postgraduate in Mental Health from UB. Bachelor's in Social Work from URL/UB. Theatrical studies at Col·legi del Teatre. Certification in Classical Dance from ACADE Madrid. Professional experience in business, financial, and analytical management. Professional path in social dance with at-risk groups and diverse social groups (2022 Dansacat Social Project Award. 2023 Critic's Award). In DMT - dance movement therapy - she works individually with children, adolescents, and adults; in groups, she specializes in caregivers and domestic violence (2012 Dansacat Dance and Society Award. 2020 City of Barcelona Recognition of good social practices. 2022 publication in RIMCIS Q1). She teaches creative dance and body awareness with children and adult groups, both within and outside the curricular education system. Artistically, she is currently involved in the creation and direction of pieces (latest premiere Performance about the Journey to the Bottom of the Sea. Brussels 2022). Co-author of three books, collaborating in compilations and journals. She participates in national and international seminars, workshops, and conferences related to movement and dance, presenting papers, experiences, and projects.