• Guitarra



About this Group

This group aims at investigating the role of education and music in people’s lives, as well as musical practices in formal, non-formal and informal contexts (e.g. schools and communities). New concepts of music education, alongside the challenges relating to the teaching and learning of musics in contemporary societies are explored by the members of this group. The EMC group includes researchers from two INET-md Branches, Porto and Aveiro who are working together on several funded projects. The members also collaborate with other INET-md Research Groups such as Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies and Dance Studies.


  • Analysing the contribution of innovative programmes in Music Education toward the establishment of guidelines for nationwide implementation of music in schools and the cultural valuing of music in the community;

  • Intensifying research in Music Education and Community focusing on informal, non-formal and formal contexts where music takes place;

  • Collaborating with researchers of other Research Groups of INET-md in domains such as multicultural education and creativity (Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies Research Group) as well as dance and music in the educational context (Dance Studies Research Group);

  • Disseminating results of research through the organization of academic events, such as conferences, symposia, and forums of discussion.



  • Defining a strategy for a democratic and engaged Music Education;

  • Researching music education in the school curriculum and in socially inclusive projects;

  • Identifying styles of musical teaching and learning, musical identities, and alternative musical pathways;

  • Identifying affordances and constraints in implementing non-formal music education practices in formal school settings;

  • Promoting direct involvement in projects of community music.


Principal Investigator

Associated Laboratories
PPorto | ESE
Regular Events
Workshops on Music Therapy

Open Lectures, by invited researchers

LAbEAMUS Falando Sobre: lectures

LA:b Workshops

International Conferences of CIPEM/INET-md

Scientific Production (2013 - 2018)
2019-07-24 grupos de investigacao educacao e musica na comunidade-en
Ongoing Competitive Projects
Post-doctoral project funded by INET-md – BPD/UI72/6534/2018
PTDC/ART-FOL/31782/2017 (as participant)
PTDC/ART-PER/31380/2017 (as participant)
PTDC/CPC-MMU/5720/2014 (as participant)



Concluded Competitive Projects

Post-doctoral project funded by FCT: SFRH/BPD/120231/2016
Som da Rua, a vocal and instrumental group of homeless and institutionalized people

Projects Supported by INET-md

LAbEAMUS, Laboratório de Movimento Humano ESSUA | UA and Pós-graduação em música da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC) (2019)
LAbEAMUS and Loop Lab (2018)
CIPEM, LAbEAMUS in collaboration with ESMAE | PPorto, Zemtsov Viola Masterclass & Zemtsov Foundation; Royal Conservatoire The Hague (The Netherlands) (2017)
LAbEAMUS and CIPEM (2017)
CIPEM (2017)
CIPEM (2017)
Cant(a)eiro - Congregating plants with current computer technologies 
CIPEM and Orquestra Jazz de Matosinhos (2016)
CIPEM (2016)
CIPEM (2015)



Knowledge Transfer Projects

Municipality of Porto | Program “Porto de Crianças” – Construction of a model of musical intervention in primary schools and kindergarten

Municipality of Matosinhos | Seeds of Art: Building opportunities for success in school

Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira, Hospital Magalhães Lemos, Centro de Infância Arte e Qualidade, Paluí, are you here? Sound histories for interior songs – a community project

Municipality of Almada: Other Bands – Instruments of Inclusion

Matosinhos Jazz Orchestra | Educational Service, interventions in the schools

Casa da Música Educational Service | Som da Rua, a musical project of social intervention with homeless people; Music in prisons; Development of a study case on the app Orelhudo

Cooperative Frenesim, Porto: From Art to life

Cooperative Sonoscopia: Possible synergies between artists and educators

Principal Investigator
Integrated Researchers with PhD
Integrated Researchers without PhD