• Dança 6
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Integrated | Co-Ordinating Professor - Retired
Escola Superior de Educação | Politécnico do Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, n.º 602
4200-465 Porto
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Graça Mota (pianist, Master in Music Education, Boston University, USA, PhD in Psychology of Music, University of Keel, UK) has been for more than 30 years engaged in music teacher’s education at the Music Department of the College of Education in the Porto Polytechnic Institute in Portugal. Currently, she is a senior researcher of the CIPEM (Research Centre in Psychology of Music and Music Education) branch of INET-md (Institute of Ethnomusicology – studies in music and dance) at the Porto Polytechnic. She has collaborated with Higher Education institutions in Spain, Ireland, Canada, and Australia as an external examiner, and integrates one of the evaluation teams of the Portuguese Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation in Higher Education. Her research is concerned with musical practice and social inclusion, music in the community, and women in Philharmonic Bands. This research has been funded through grants from the Gulbenkian Foundation and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and been published in Portugal, Spain, Brazil, US, UK, and Latvia. She was Chair of the Research Commission of the International Society for Music Education for the biennium 2008–2010, elected member of the Board of directors of the same society for the biennium 2014-2016, and Chair of the ISME Sistema Special Interest Group 2014-2016. She is a Board member and co-founder of the international research platform SIMM (Social Impact of Making Music, www.simm-platform.eu).