• Guitarra

Education and Music in the Community

Researcher in charge: Project Start: Title
Ana Luísa Veloso 2023 A Sound centered approach to Music Education: A Pedagogical Framework for a new paradigm in teaching and learning music during childhood
Filipe Lopes 2023 WE NATURE - Musicking in the wilderness with green electroacoustic instruments
Jorge Alexandre Costa 2022 “This wouldn’t be the same without the Professional Music Schools”: Thirty years of professional music teaching in Portugal
Jorge Alexandre Costa 2022 Teaching Practices of Musical Theory and Aural Skills in Higher Education: Why, What, How and By Whom
Carlos Gonçalves 2022 Pedagogical support model in arts: a successful journey
Carlos Gonçalves 2022 The use of technological tools in the preparation of musical study and performance: an exploratory analysis with students and teachers of professional artistic education
António Ângelo Vasconcelos 2021 ReCriar-Se
Graça Boal-Palheiros 2021 Active music education and development of children from disadvantaged people [EDMUSE]
José António Gomes 2020 The Music of Words - Phase 2
Clarissa Foletto 2019 Pedagogical approaches for optimizing communication process in instrumental teaching and learning
Maria Bernardete Castelan Póvoas 2019 Evaluation of the piano technique 'Simplification of Movement through Reduced Distance' (SMRD): an experimental study
Alexsander Jorge Duarte 2018 Live Looping as real time feedback in music teaching (LAbEAMUS and Loop Lab)
Aoife Hiney 2018 Using the Kodály Concept in the classroom: a shared research project
Pedro Santos Boia 2018 'Flow’ as a pedagogical resource in the instrument teacher toolbox
Graça Boal-Palheiros 2017 Transforming school music education through music teacher training at the High Schools of Education
José António Gomes 2017 The Music of Words
Pedro Santos Boia 2017 Orchestral socialization in a youth orchestra as socio-artistic intervention: practices, impact and implications
Clarissa Foletto 2016 NeMe | Negotiating meaning in instructional communication: A pedagogical approach to instrumental music lessons
Rui Ferreira 2016 The municipal program “Porto de Crianças” – construction of a model of musical intervention in primary schools and kindergarten
Filipe Lopes 2016 Cant(a)eiro
Graça Mota 2016 Women in Portuguese Philharmonic Bands: finding a place in changing times
Rosário Pestana 2016 Our music, our world: Musical associations, wind bands, and local communities (1880-2018)
Ana Luísa Veloso 2015 Seeds of Art: Building opportunities for success in school
Ana Luísa Veloso 2015 Creating bridges between artists and educators
Graça Mota, João Teixeira Lopes 2014 Promoting social inclusion through engagement with music - the project Orquestra Geração
Graça Boal-Palheiros, Graça Mota 2014 Som da Rua, a community choir
Rui Bessa 2013 Listen to the music! Orelhudo – a software for musical appreciation in primary schools
Graça Boal Palheiros, Hiromichi Mito 2011 Adolescents’ and young people’s singing in everyday life and at school – a comparative study in Portugal and Japan
Rui Ferreira 2011 The Project Digitópia
Graça Mota, Graça Boal Palheiros 2011 Music in a Women’s Prison
Graça Mota 2010 Music and drama education in primary school: the case of Madeira Island
Graça Mota 2008 The construction of musical and professional identities of young Portuguese people through the Bandas Filarmónicas – a cultural perspective
Graça Mota 2007 Composing with Hyperscore in general music classes
Graça Mota 2004 Music Education in context – in search of a new Praxis