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Escola Superior de Educação | Instituto Politécnico do Porto
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Currently holds the position of President of the Direction of the Conservatory - Madeira, School of Arts. He is a teacher of the school board of the Conservatory and for many years, he was the Director of the Artistic and Multimedia Education Services of Madeira Regional Secretariat of Education. He was invited by the Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas as professor and coordinator of the Degree in Musical Education and by the Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal as associated professor. He received his Doctorate in Sciences of Work from the University of Cádiz/Spain. Since 2013 he is one of the investigators of the Centro de Investigação em Psicologia de Música e Educação Musical, Polo do Politécnico do Porto do INET–md - Instituto de Etnomusicologia-Estudos de Música e Dança (FSCH/UNL). Some recent publications include: Co-author of the scientific article "Artistic Modalities in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (Portugal): From the first activities of curricular enrichment to the definition of the current model of educational policy (1985-2016)" ABEM Magazine | Londrina | V.24 | N.37 | 35-52 | Jul. 2016. ISSN: 2358-033X; Co-author of the scientific article "Effect of Demographic Factors on Culture and Organizational Climate". Funchal: Islenha Magazine, no. 59, (July-December 2016), DRC. ISSN: 0872-5004; the book “Cultura Y Clima Organizacional: la motivación y las competências de Gestión de líderes”. (2014). Espanha: Editorial Publicia (with worldwide distribution); the book “Cultura e Clima Organizacional: Contributos da Motivação e das Competências de Gestão de Líderes” (2012) Mangualde: Edições Pedago; three entries in the Madeira Encyclopedic Dictionary (2014) (in press); “Contributo de las Competências de Gestión y de la Cultura y Clima Organizacional sobre la motivación: El caso del Gabinete Coordinador de Educación Artística de la Región Autónoma de Isla de Madeira – Portugal” (2013). Funchal: Magazine Islenha, n.º 53, (July-December), DRAC; Oficina de Artes Integradas: Etapas da Gestão de um Projeto Pluridisciplinar em Artes” (2011). Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística 1. Funchal: DRE/GCEA; “Cultura Organizacional como factor de sucesso – O caso de um Departamento da Administração Pública Portuguesa” (2010). Centro de Estudos de História do Atlântico Yearbook nº 2. Some awards include: Nuno Álvares necklace, the highest distinction in the National Scouting Movement, (2010); Unanimous congratulation vote by the Regional Legislative Assembly on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Regional Department of Artistic Education.