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Integrated | Assistant Professor
Escola Superior de Educação | Politécnico do Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, n.º 602
4200-465 Porto
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Filipe Lopes was born in 1981, in Oporto (Portugal). He has developed work in the area of electroacoustic music composition and multimedia installations, as well as in cinema, theater and video installation. In 2003, he graduated in Music Education at the Escola Superior de Educação do Porto (ESEP). In 2007 Filipe completed his bachelor’s degree in composition at the Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo do Porto (ESMAE), creating strong bonds with electroacoustic music. In 2006 he won the Best Experimental Audio Award at the Black & White Festival and in 2007 he was a resident composer at Miso Music Portugal (LEC). In 2009, he completed his master’s degree at the Institute of Sonology (The Netherlands) where he developed "Õdaiko", a software for generating scores in real time. He taught electronic music at ESMAE between 2009 and 2011, where he also founded Ensemble 343. He was the curator of the Digitópia project at Casa da Música between September 2010 and August 2012, where he had been working regularly since 2007. In 2011 he received a PhD scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the UT-Austin Portugal program. In 2012 Filipe Lopes was one of the winners of the Cri.D.A. organized by Guimarães European Capital of Culture. In 2013 he won the ECPNM European Prize for real-time electronic music works, with a piece that uses the software he developed: Do Desenho e do Som. In 2016 he received a distinction from the International Festival of Animation of Athens for the musical composition for the short-movie Macabre (2015). In 2016 he completed his doctorate in Media-Digital, at the University of Oporto, developing a work entitled "Musical Composition with Space". Between September 2015 and December 2017, he coordinated the educational project of the Jazz Orchestra of Matosinhos and taught at the University of Aveiro.
Currently, besides the creative and pedagogical work that combines music and new technologies, he is Adjunct Professor at the Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design and a researcher at CIPEM/INET-Md and uniMAD.