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Integrated Doctor | Researcher
Escola Superior de Educação | Politécnico do Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, n.º 602
4200-465 Porto
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Pedro Santos Boia (Pedro S. Boia) has been studying and publishing on topics such as Orquestra Geração and social inclusion (Portuguese El Sistema-inspired program); viola history, performance and aesthetics; ‘flow’ in music performance; electronic dance music (clubbing) and gender identities. He seeks to combine cultural sociology and sociology of dispositions, music education, performance studies and musicology, social psychology, science and technology studies in an inter and trans-disciplinary way. He has a strong interest in qualitative methods and ethnography, and in articulating research with practice. He is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at CIPEM - Centro de Investigação em Psicologia da Música e Educação Musical, which is part of INET-md - Instituto de Etnomusicologia, under the guidance of Professor Graça Boal-Palheiros. He studied Sociology, gaining his doctoral degree from the University of Exeter, supervised by Professors Tia DeNora and Andrew Pickering (with the support of an FCT fellowship), a Master’s degree from the University of Coimbra and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Porto. He studied Music at the Porto Music Conservatoire and the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague, and performed as a freelance violist in various ensembles and orchestras. He was a visiting scholar at CMPCP - Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice and the Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge. He is the managing editor of the peer-reviewed journal MAiA - Music & Arts in Action (SocArts Research Group, Exeter).