• Piano


‘Flow’ (Csikszentmihályi 1990, 1996) is more than a purely individual psychological state of optimum performance, but has socio-cultural implications that must be acknowledged and explored (Jordan, McClure, Wooodward 2017; Boia 2017). This action-research is a new development starting from a previous auto-ethnography of ‘flow’ in instrumental performance (Boia 2017) that further explores how ‘flow’ – assuming it as a social construction and a narrative – may be positively applied to instrumental learning, teaching and performance. The aim is to collaborate with instrument teachers and students to experiment if and how we will be able to make ‘flow’ happen rather than just passively observing it. While we expect to increase our theoretical knowledge about ‘flow’ in music making, this project is simultaneously applied action-research that will further experiment the ways in which ‘flow’ may be included in the instrument teacher ‘toolbox’ as an intentional pedagogical and performance device capable of fostering musical development.



Pedro Santos Boia


Research Team

Pedro Santos Boia 


Participating institutions

LABEAMUS – Laboratório de Ensino e Aprendizagem Musical, INET-md



From September 2018 until September 2020



Flow; instrumental teaching and learning; musical performance