• KovaM
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PhD Student
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Tel: (+351) 234 370 389 (ext. 23700)


Masters in Music from the University of Aveiro – Portugal. Bachelor of Music with a violin license from the Federal University of Paraíba. Music technician at the 2nd degree level by the Maranhão State Music School. For two years she participated in the Music Festival in the Mountains (Minas Gerais – Brazil) as a fellow. She was a violinist for the Chamber Orchestra of the Maranhão State School of Music, the Campina Grande Symphony Orchestra, the Paraíba Symphony Orchestra and the Paraíba Youth Symphony Orchestra, where she served as a spalla and soloist. She participated as a guest violinist in the Chamber Orchestra of João Pessoa City Hall. She worked as a teacher in Petrobras projects, in the Inclusion through Music and Arts Project – PRIMA and in the Art and Culture Center of Colégio Marista Pio X. Currently, she works as a teacher in the Technical Course in Musical Instrument of the Paraíba Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFPB). She was a member of the renaissance and contemporary music group Iamaká and currently integrates, together with guitarist Vinícius de Lucena, the Duo Danado, which interprets songs from the European and Latin American repertoire. She is a PhD student in Music at the University of Aveiro, also participating in the group of researchers linked to INET-md/UA.
Doctoral Project
Uno: Despertar da consciência corporal na prática instrumental através de aplicativo inspirado na Educação Somática

Clarissa Foletto


António Guilherme Rocha Campos
This investigation aims to contribute to the development of body awareness directed to the instrumental practice of violin and viola students through a mobile application based on the principles of somatic education. Through the registration and analysis of pedagogical approaches of violin/viola teachers trained in somatic methods and violin/viola teachers trained in Paul Rolland Pedagogy, we seek to identify guiding patterns used by teachers for understanding body movement, breath control during instrumental practice, and its influence on the resulting performance. A pedagogical approach resulting from the analysis will be created and implemented, together with the created application. Subsequently, the contributions of using this application during the deliberate practice of the participants will be pointed out and analyzed.