• Disco2
On the 8th and 9th of March, another INET - md Forum will be held at the Porto Polytechnic School of Education, on the theme of Logical Challenges and (In)coherences in Research in Music, Dance and Theatre.
On the first day, at 6pm, in a hybrid format, a wide-ranging debate is proposed for all integrated members of the Institute on four possible thematic lines, which will be submitted to the scientific council for approval, designed and proposed by the coordinators of the research groups.
The following day, 9th March, the Forum will be attended by two foreign keynotes and a national one: Professor John Sloboda, from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, who will question why the multiplicity of socio-musical projects that exist worldwide always focus on the participants or recipients and never on those who animate them; Professor Heidi Westerlund, from the Sibelius Academy University of the Arts Helsinki, who will talk about a systemic reflexivity that can help a musical performer to reposition themselves in a responsible and balanced way in society and thus expand their understanding of the dominant musical professionalism; and Professor Lígia Ferro, a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto, who, in a roundtable discussion with Professor Manuel Deniz Silva, the president of INET-md, will debate the state of scientific research in higher education in fifty years of democracy.

The Forum will also give space to new researchers in the field of theatre, who justified the change in the name of the Education, Music and Theatre in the Community research group.



2024.03.08-09 | ESE-IPP | Auditorium of Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto | Full Programme