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Integrated PhD
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas | Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. de Berna, n.º 26 C
1069-061 Lisboa
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Tel: (+351) 21 790 83 00 (ext. 1583)


PhD in Music - Ethnomusicology, Ana Margarida Cardoso began her musical studies in the Seia and Gouveia bands. After enrolling at the Seia Conservatory of Music, she opted for professional education and completed the Wind and Percussion Instrumentalist course at the Serra da Estrela Professional School (EPSE), publishing what became the book "O Oboísta e a Palheta Dupla". This was followed by a degree in Musical Sciences at the FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH) and a Master's in Teaching Music History at the University of Aveiro (UA). She lectured at EPSE (Seia), at the Coimbra Regional Conservatory, at Colégio de São Teotónio (Coimbra) and currently at the Alentejo Litoral School of Arts. She was part of the research teams of the R&D projects "Our music, our world: philharmonic bands, musical associations and local communities (1880-2018)" (PTDC/CPC-MMU/5720/2014) and "Being a musician in Portugal: the socio-professional condition of musicians in Lisbon (1750-1985)" (PTDC/ART-PER/32624/2017), both funded by FCT. She has organized several academic events, such as Post-ip - Post-in-progress (2017-2022) and non-academic events, such as the Serra da Estrela Piano Festival, whose artistic direction she has been part of since its first edition (2019). With several years of associative experience, she is Vice-President of the Patrimónios da Estrela Association and President of the General Assembly of the Nós é Mais Bichos Association.
Doctoral Project
"Musical activity regulation and the construction of a musician status: the case of Emissora Nacional Wind Quintet"
With this thesis i pretend to study the regulation and codification of a musicians social status during the New State, through the Emissora Naional Wind Quintet. This group is constituted by five musicians, with routes in philharmonic and military bands, who professionally emancipated themselves in Lisbon. In this context, the quintet circulated for various institutions which contributed to the regulation of their social status, like Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa, Emissora Nacional, Sindicato Nacional dos Músicos, and so on. The group was founded by the flutist Luis Boulton (1908-?), the oboist José dos Santos Pinto (1915-2014), the oboist Marcos Romão (1917-2000), the bassoonist Ângelo Pestana (1925-2004) and the horn player Adácio Pestana (1925-2004). Sometimes other musicians took part of the quintet, like the bassonist João Mateus (1915-1982) or the flutist Carlos Franco (1927-2011), however, i will focus my research on the founders. The quintet was in activity during 1940-1980, however i will focus my research between 1940 and 1975. 1940 is the third anniversary of Portugal independence and the year in which musicians went to Lisbon to start the professionalization. 1975, one year after the democracy implementation in Portugal, is when the musicians’s route suffers changes, because Orquestra Filarmónica de Lisboa turned Orquestra do Teatro Nacional de São Carlos, which will affect their jobs. Since 1980, the quintet just make a few concerts, through my preliminar investigation.