• Dança 2
Natalina Cristovão
Governo Regional da Madeira
This project aims to analyse and systematize the model of pedagogical monitoring and supervision in the area of performing arts, which is currently being developed in 1st grade schools in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Considering the longevity of this model (42 years), we have seen advances and setbacks, as well as adaptations, involving several hundred teachers who have contributed over time. As a result, a model with 7 dimensions was identified as the foundation for our action. In this sense, our main objective is to define the current model and describe the mechanisms inherent in its various dimensions, serving as a guide for possible replication in similar contexts.
The project on which this study is based was born in 1980, in two pilot schools in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, and saw its legal framework in 1986, with the Basic Law of the Educational System, which mentioned the possibility of co-teaching in the 1st CEB, in artistic areas, by a specialist teacher. The initial project gained consistency, both in terms of the democratization of this area in education and in terms of its dimension in terms of artistic practices and involvement. To this end, we used semi-structured interviews with the main managers and coordinators who have been involved in the project from its inception to the present day. We also carried out an exhaustive collection and analysis of documents that support the inherent dynamics. The main results point to a model with 7 axes that cross several dimensions that articulate and complement each other - placement of specialist teachers; creation of content; innovation and continuous training; meetings and joint preparation; observation of classes/activities; evaluation; production of events - and which constitute the pillars of the success of artistic educational practices in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. It is hoped that the results of this study will provide tools that can be replicated in other areas of the country or the world, with the necessary adjustments to the contexts.