• Dança 3


This research explored the use of the software Hyperscore in general music classes as a mean to facilitate musical understanding, and conceptual transferability from technology mediated music learning context to the normal music classroom setting. It was developed in one school in three classes of 26 children each, 10 to 13 years old, in the context of pre-service music teacher training under the supervision of the Music Education Department of the Porto College of Education. Between December 2006 and May 2007, the three classes were involved in music education both in a room provided with one computer with headphones for each child and the software Hyperscore, and in the normal music classroom environment. Using mainly qualitative, exploratory and participant research methodology, data collected involved children’s files and evaluation sheets, teachers’ written observations and interviews.


Results revealed high levels of task centred behaviour, autonomy, and collaborative attitudes, as well as a more conscious use of musical vocabulary. However, given the strong appeal of the graphical composition system, further studies are needed in order to establish a clear link between the child’s musical intentions and the pictographic outcomes.


Research Team

Graça Mota (Principal Investigator), Helena Ribeiro, Fernando Calheiros, Daniel Gonçalves, Ana Daniela Oliveira, António Sousa


Funding Body

Casa da Música



September 2006 to July 2007


Keywords: composition, technology, transferability, motivation, autonomy