• Disco2
19-21.11.2020 | Coimbra | FLUC
The 10th Conference on Musical Research (ENIM 2020) will be held at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, from November 19th to 21st, 2020. The call is now open for paper submissions, as well as for thematic panels of 3 to 4 presenters and papers with performance. All relevant themes on musical research are welcome.
Submissions should be sent in Portuguese, English or Castilian for the following formats:
  • Spoken papers: 20 minutes. Proponents should send an abstract (250 to 300 words), 3 to 5 keywords and a short bio (ca. 150 words).
  • Panel proposals: 1 hour and a half, including final discussion. Proposals should include an overall title and rationale (ca. 300 words), the name of the main proponent, titles and descriptions of the contributions of all speakers and biographies for each speaker (ca. 150 words).
  • Papers with performance: 30 minutes. Proponents should send an abstract (250 to 300 words), 3 to 5 keywords, a short bio (ca. 150 words), as well as information about equipment requirements.
Proponents should send an abstract (250 words, and 3 to 5 keywords), a short bio (ca. 150 words), as well as information about equipment requirements. Panel proposals should indicate the general title and the name of the chair, besides the general abstract (ca. 300 words), and the individual abstracts and their titles. Each proponent can only submit one proposal (including individual submissions and panels). Proposals should be sent just in word format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 31st May 2020, at the latest. The mail should include the following information: name, institution, postal address, and phone number. The abstract should not include any identification information, only the title. The abstracts will be blind-reviewed by members of the scientific commission, and evaluation results will be sent by June 30th, 2020. For further information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Scientific Committee
Ana Flávia Miguel
Francesco Esposito
Helena Caspurro
Helena Marinho
João Silva
José Luís Arósteguí (Universidad de Granada)
José António Oliveira Martins (Universidade de Coimbra)
Lorenzo Bianconi (Professor emerito da Università di Bologna)
Organizing Commitee
José António Oliveira Martins (Universidade de Coimbra)
Maria José Artiaga (CESEM)