Call for Papers | IC CIPEM 2021: Perspectives in Psychology of Music and Music Education

16-18.09.2021 | Porto | ESE-IPP
Proposals for presentations are welcome in Portuguese or English in one of the following formats:
- Oral paper (up to 15 minutes)
- Panel (by three authors, up to 60 minutes)
- Poster (for participants in situ)
Authors are invited to submit an Abstract of up to 500 words, including research aim, theoretical background, methodologies, findings, references, and 3 to 5 key words.
References included in the text of the Abstract should follow the APA guidelines. Proposals for Panels should include an abstract with the purpose and a general description of the session, and an abstract by each author. Authors' names, profession, affiliation, and contact details should also be included. Each participant can submit up to 3 abstracts as first author or co-author.
Submission themes
Functions and Roles of music in peoples' lives
Music Listening and Responses to music
Music Perception and Cognition
Neurosciences of Music
Musical Performance, Improvisation, and Composition
Musical Development and Learning
Music Education and Children's Development
Music, Emotions, and Well-being
Social Psychology of Music
Cross-cultural Psychology of Music
Deadline: 16.05.2021