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Workshop | Generative Dance Program with Ana Leitão
News | Project Tension Lines. Art, Dance, and Ecology
GIED Seminar | Expanded Sound Body: (In)corporation of sound in movement
Book Presentation | Dança – Criação autobiográfica e memória
News | Condolences on the passing of Eva Azevedo
Events | International Encounter Nuvens Nômades
8th Forum INET-md | Sharing paths, insisting on the future
GIED Seminar | Exploring Performing Arts through life stories: elements of a pedagogical method
Encounter | 5th Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
VI FMH & ESD Study Days - Somatic Practices in the Contemporaneity: Body, Awareness, and Resistance
GIED Seminar | Dances with tradition: Fieldwork on traditional dance teaching
Call for applicants | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024
GIED Seminar | Participatory Dance and Art: From Community Intervention to Research – Opportunities and Challenges
GIED Seminar | GhostDance: Exploring the Relationship of the Body with a Virtual Reality Avatar
Call for papers | Special issue on: “The diversity of theatrical dance in Portugal”
GIED Seminar | Dance and Inclusion
Performative workshop @evamariageni
GIED Seminar | Characterization of professional profiles and competences in dance: European perspectives raised by the Up2Dance program
Exhibition | Francis Graça: Dance, splendor, and shadows
Call for papers | Special issue on: “Somatic education and embodiment in a digital world”
Talk | Understanding the body discourse in the context of dance in India
V FMH Study Days - Dança & Complexidade
Encounter | 4th Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
Encounter | 3rd Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
Call for Proposals | International Meeting on the City, Body and Sound
Encounter | 2nd Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
Research Grant | Punctual and complementary support for creation-research in dance, in the form of service acquisition
Corpo de Afetos: entre o apego emocional e o movimento dançado
Workshop | Performative Reverberations in Portuguese-Brazilian Contemporary Dance - Lygia Clark and Helena Almeida
Workshop | How to Stay Alive?
Convidei o Pensamento para Dançar
Práticas Performativas em Torno d'O Animal
Release | Performative Practices Around the Animal
Encounter | 1st Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
Workshop | Body and Ritual
Roundtable | Body and Ritual
Roundtable | Echoes: Technology, Sound and Public Performance in the City
Dances and bodies in education... in Brazil?
IV FMH Study Days - Soundscape/ Bodyscape
Entender a Marcação do Movimento a Partir da Dança e da Música
Promoting Mental Health at Schools
Métodos de análise qualitativa "Representações do Corpo e da Dança"
Dramaturgia e(m) Dança
Entre o Ser e o Estar: Técnicas Somáticas e Práticas Performativas
Lançamento da Terpsicore - base de dados de Dança e Artes Performativas
TEPe - Technologically Expanded Performance
Knowing what difference we are making: practical approaches to assessment in dance movement therapy (DMT)
Curso "Dança, Movimento e Terapia"
III FMH Study Days - Práticas Performativas em Torno d'O Animal
Troca a Dar – Programa BIP/ZIP Lisboa 2017 - Parcerias Locais - BIP/ZIP 43 – Alfama
Contemporary dance(s) in a state of crisis: clues about the flows of macropolicies and micropolicies of dance in Portugal and Brazil
Cognition and dance: an overview of learning as an embodiment of knowledge
Event - Quinzena de Dança em Almada - International Dance Festival
A Presença do Texto na Dança e no Teatro Contemporâneos - Call For Papers
Research grants announcement - Research grant at FMH´s branch
Men who dance: body and ageing process
II FMH Study Days - O Mestre Nu
Educação Artística: Desafios para o século XXI
Research grants announcement - Research grant at FMH´s branch
A assinatura sonora de um corpo em movimento: cruzamentos entre dança e tecnologia
I FMH Study Days - Práticas Performativas em Torno do Corpo-Arquivo
ENRETE - Enhancing Resilience Through Teacher Education
Drawing and Performance: Creating Scenography
Rescur em Ação
Be Ready: Life Skills and Career Development: helping young people progress into success
TerPsiCore - Dance and Performative Arts Database
Danza durante la Guerra Civil y el franquismo (1936-1960): políticas culturales, identidad, género y patrimonio coreográfico
CEAP - Center for the Performative Arts Studies
Practice-based research: the states of the body and the body-archive
TERPSICORE – Dance and Performative Arts database
Études en Danse Européennes In Progress: Methodologies Et Interdisciplinarités
RESCUR: A Resilience Curriculum for Early and Primary Schools in Europe
Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology
Paula Lebre
Ciro Aprea
Cristina Rebelo Leandro
Daniel Tércio
Elisabete Monteiro
Luísa Roubaud
Madalena Xavier
Margarida Moura
Maria João Alves
Thaís Gonçalves
Ana Macara
Sérgio Bordalo e Sá
João Fernandes
Sophie Coquelin
Adriana Gehres
Rita Rato
Ana Pais
Ana Luísa Valdeira
Filipa Malva
Mickael de Oliveira
Cecília de Lima
Rui Filipe Antunes
Sofia Soromenho
Eva Leitão Azevedo
Inês Pedruco
Ana Coimbra Oliveira
Maria Bartilotti Matos
Michele Leitão
Ana Leitão
Hugo Magalhães
Ana Vitória Freire
Adriana Frazão
Giovana Consorte
Wagner Ferraz
Daniela Gatti
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