Sofia Soromenho

- Integrated | PhD Candidate
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana | Universidade de Lisboa
Estrada da Costa
1499-002 Cruz Quebrada - Dafundo
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- Tel: (+351) 21 414 9179
Master in Artistic Performance / Dance by FMH and graduated in Dance by Escola Superior de Dança (IPL). Scholarship (BGCT) at INET-md since 2019. She collaborates with Jornal de Letras as a Dance critic since 2013. She was a teacher at ESTAL (2012-17) where she taught the following disciplines: Body and Creation Processes, Technical Training of the Performer and directed the show of the finalists of the degree with the piece [para]grafo. She worked as an interpreter with different independent choreographers and between 2012 and 2017 she was a CIM interpreter in Edge. As a choreographer, she highlights 2º Parágrafo (2015). Collaborates with visual artists in the performance area, namely with Fiumani.
Ciência Vitae | ORCID
Research Group: Dance Studies