Wagner Ferraz

- Collaborator Doctor
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana | Universidade de Lisboa
Estrada da Costa
1499-002 Cruz Quebrada - Dafundo
- Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Tel: (+351) 21 414 9179
Dance artist, movement professional, teacher, somatic fascial educator, editor and researcher. Post-Doctoral Student at the Faculty of Human Motricity, specialty Dance, University of Lisbon (FMH-UL - 2022-2024); Doctorate in Education and Science at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGEC/ICBS/UFRGS); Master in Education - PPGEDU/UFRGS; Post-Graduated in Special Education - Lato sensu - (UNISINOS); Post-Graduated in Cultural Management - Lato sensu - (SENAC); Graduated in Graduation in Dance (ESEFID/UFRGS); Graduated in Technology in Dance (ULBRA); Graduated in Pedagogy (UNINTER). He has worked as a teacher in extension, undergraduate and post-graduate lato sensu courses in the area of education and dance at the following higher education institutions: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS); Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS); Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos (UNISINOS); Faculdade AUPEX; Centro Educacional Capacitar and Faculdade SOGIPA. He has worked as a teacher in schools of early childhood education, elementary school, inclusive education, special education, social and educational projects, and in free courses. He has worked as a teacher, researcher, editor, cultural/educational manager, and creative artist in several institutions. As an artist, he has produced, created, and received awards for various artistic works and has worked in dance education. As an educator, he has dedicated himself to the training of teachers, the production of educational publications, and classroom and distance education. He has written and organized books, coordinates the projects Body Studies, Creative Education and Cartographing Bodies, participates in research groups and works as a Pilates and Move Flow instructor. He works with the following themes: Pedagogies of the Body and Dance; Creative Education in Dance; Teacher Training; Movement and Somatic Education; Writing and Cartography.
Research Group: Dance Studies