• Dança 1
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Integrated | PhD Candidate
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana | Universidade de Lisboa
Estrada da Costa
1499-002 Cruz Quebrada - Dafundo

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Tel: (+351) 21 414 9179


Sophie Coquelin has a Bachelor degree in Ethnomusicology at Paris-X-Nanterre University (France, 2004) and a Master degree in “Ethnologie des Arts Vivants”
at Nice Sofia-Antipolis University (France, 2013). She investigates the revitalization processes of folk music and dance in Portugal. In 2017, she has begun a phD on Human Kinetics with Dance speciality at the Faculty of Human Motricity thanks to a phD grant from the University of Lisbon. She intends to deepen her research on Anthropology and Art, by working on multimodality in dance.
She has published two articles, one in "Post-Ip" - Revista do Fórum Internacional de Estudos em Música e Dança (INET-md, branch UA): Arte de mandar e teatralidade nos bailes de chamarritas and the second one in “Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship” from World Dance Alliance: Estrangement or exoticims? When two contemporary dance choreographers incorporate images of a TV series about Portuguese expressive practices.
Between 2014 and 2017, she had a research grant coordinated by Prof. Daniel Tércio in the INET-md, at the Faculty of Human Kinetics – University of Lisbon. She was working in Terpsicore, a database project of dance and performing arts in Portugal.
In the interface between university and civil society, her professional experience took place at PédeXumbo Association, as a cultural producer, and at Institut Occitan d´Aquitaine, as the assistant of the ethnomusicologist Jean-Jacques Casterêt. She has participated in ethnographic recordings in Alentejo, Algarve and Azores; and in web platforms, which promote music archives (databases "Ibn Battuta" from La Maison des Cultures du Monde and "Sondaqui" from Institut Occitan d´Aquitaine). She was a consultant for the film "Sinfonia Imaterial" by Tiago Pereira (edited by INATEL Foundation), and for the performance "Fica no Singelo" by the Dance Company Clara Andermatt.
Research Group: Dance Studies