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Workshop | Generative Dance Program with Ana Leitão
News | Project Tension Lines. Art, Dance, and Ecology
GIED Seminar | Expanded Sound Body: (In)corporation of sound in movement
Book Presentation | Dança – Criação autobiográfica e memória
News | Condolences on the passing of Eva Azevedo
Events | International Encounter Nuvens Nômades
GIED Seminar | Exploring Performing Arts through life stories: elements of a pedagogical method
Encounter | 5th Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
VI FMH & ESD Study Days - Somatic Practices in the Contemporaneity: Body, Awareness, and Resistance
GIED Seminar | Participatory Dance and Art: From Community Intervention to Research – Opportunities and Challenges
GIED Seminar | GhostDance: Exploring the Relationship of the Body with a Virtual Reality Avatar
Call for papers | Special issue on: “The diversity of theatrical dance in Portugal”
GIED Seminar | Dance and Inclusion
GIED Seminar | Characterization of professional profiles and competences in dance: European perspectives raised by the Up2Dance program
Call for papers | Special issue on: “Somatic education and embodiment in a digital world”
Talk | Understanding the body discourse in the context of dance in India
V FMH Study Days - Dança & Complexidade
Encounter | 4th Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
Encounter | 3rd Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
Call for Proposals | International Meeting on the City, Body and Sound
Encounter | 2nd Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
Reencantar o corpo - Notas para um encontro entre ciência e vida
Research Grant | Punctual and complementary support for creation-research in dance, in the form of service acquisition
Corpo de Afetos: entre o apego emocional e o movimento dançado
Convidei o Pensamento para Dançar
Encounter | 1st Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
Roundtable | Echoes: Technology, Sound and Public Performance in the City
Dances and bodies in education... in Brazil?
IV FMH Study Days - Soundscape/ Bodyscape
Promoting Mental Health at Schools
Graciela González: Experiencia corporal y cambio generacional en el tango tradicional
When the body is music when dancing
Entre o Ser e o Estar: Técnicas Somáticas e Práticas Performativas
"Milena Plebs. Tango y Pensamiento Critico"
TEPe - Technologically Expanded Performance
Interdisciplinary working practices: can creative dance improve math?
Manual de Dança Criativa: uma aprendizagem interdisciplinar no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
III FMH Study Days - Práticas Performativas em Torno d'O Animal
Troca a Dar – Programa BIP/ZIP Lisboa 2017 - Parcerias Locais - BIP/ZIP 43 – Alfama
Contemporary dance(s) in a state of crisis: clues about the flows of macropolicies and micropolicies of dance in Portugal and Brazil
Cognition and dance: an overview of learning as an embodiment of knowledge
Prosodia y métrica: paradojas de la comunicación en danza
Fundamento biomecánico para el compás musical y el caminar en el tango
Entender el movimiento desde la danza y desde la música
Práticas intergeracionais e interdisciplinares na Educação. Um exemplo prático no Ensino Básico
Psychomotor, functional, and cognitive profiles in older people with and without dementia: What connections?
A recorrência da dança como marca autoral: o caso de Leitão de Barros
Men who dance: body and ageing process
Entre palco, pistas e dança e “festas de quintal”: a dança no Portugal pós-colonial
Traditional dances choreographic composition: sharing and creating together
The use of video as self-evaluation in dance classes
Bahia, Santiago e Lisboa: relatando um projeto telemático
Dance teaching in national programs in Brazil and Portugal
Arquivar performances ou os paradoxos do corpo-arquivo
Between Dance Floors and the Stage: Social and Theatre Dance in Post-Colonial Portugal
“What Are You Looking At?” The Representation of ‘African Dances’ in Portuguese Documentaries of the Colonial Period
The body in descent: Catastrophes, feelings and choreographies in the Portuguese landscape
Reflexões sobre o Ensino Artístico: Em busca da transformação
Dança na comunidade: diálogo plural entre singulares
Práticas inclusivas na dança: estratégias de ensino das professoras de dança dos núcleos de arte
ENRETE - Enhancing Resilience Through Teacher Education
Drawing and Performance: Creating Scenography
Rescur em Ação
Estudo preliminar: Validação do questionário “CDC – Corpo, Dança e Comunidade” para adolescentes de 12-18 anos
Movimento espontâneo do pé na inferência da pulsação sonora
Estudio de la performance del ritmo musical en movimientos de danza
Ritmo, timing e perceção motora do ciclo do nado em alta competição
Be Ready: Life Skills and Career Development: helping young people progress into success
On the significance of costumes in the experience of dance
TEDance | Innovate, Connect, Transform 2015 (ICT 2015)
Danza durante la Guerra Civil y el franquismo (1936-1960): políticas culturales, identidad, género y patrimonio coreográfico
CEAP - Center for the Performative Arts Studies
A Contribuição da Educação Somática na Formação do performer contemporâneo: O método GDS
Imagem corporal e sua relação com peso e índice de massa corporal em bailarinos profissionais
Corpo, Técnica e Movimento: Possibilidades para sentir, expressar e estar bem
Practice-based research: the states of the body and the body-archive
Corpo imanente e transcendência na performance contemporânea
Movimiento del Cuerpo y Musicalidad. Aplicación de recursos tecnológicos en el análisis de las artes temporales en contextos ecológicos e interactivos
TERPSICORE – Dance and Performative Arts database
Études en Danse Européennes In Progress: Methodologies Et Interdisciplinarités
Argumentos do Corpo: cultura, poética e política
La co-construcción del marco métrico en la clase de técnica de danza
RESCUR: A Resilience Curriculum for Early and Primary Schools in Europe
Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology
Transmodality and informational divergence in dance teaching
Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX
II Pós-graduação - Dança em Contextos educativos na FMH - DVD
Tedance. Perspectivas sobre Dança em Expansão Tecnológica
TeDance: Technologically Expanded Dance
Dança em Contextos educativos na FMH - DVD
Dança em contextos educativos
TeDance. Technologically Expanded Dance
Paula Lebre
Ciro Aprea
Cristina Rebelo Leandro
Daniel Tércio
Elisabete Monteiro
Luísa Roubaud
Madalena Xavier
Margarida Moura
Maria João Alves
Ana Macara
João Fernandes
Sophie Coquelin
Adriana Gehres
Rita Rato
Ana Pais
Ana Luísa Valdeira
Filipa Malva
Mickael de Oliveira
Cecília de Lima
Filipe Pereira
Adriana Frazão
Giovana Consorte
Daniela Gatti
Lidia Maria Labianca
Mônica Emilio Cerqueira Pereira
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