• Dança 3
Moroccan Team
Adel Fartakh
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Kendra Salois
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Driss Baakil
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Lhoussain Simour
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Said Mdarbi
e-mail | CV
Driss Baakil, “Les activités culturelles universitaires au service de l’attractivité territoriale au Maroc” Conference sur “Management and Culture: Cross-cultural Perspectives” (April 26-28, 2017) “organizée par le groupe de recherche LAREMO
Driss Baakil, Mouad Aboulaaguig, “Le digital au service du Marketing territorial : quels enseignements pour la ville de Meknès,” 6ème édition du colloque international de Marketing - Tunisie 03 - 04 Mars 2017
Driss Baakil, Ekhouira Youseff, “Les micro-événements au service de l’attractivité des territoires marocains locaux”, Actes du Colloque International Entrepreneuriat, Innovation et Territoire Fès (2017) (published)
Driss Baakil, Ekhouira Youseff, “L'événementiel sportif et le marketing Touristique des Destinations : Le Morocco open Beach volley-ball 2017 et l’image de la ville d’Agadir”, Colloque International Gouvernance et Performance des organisations sportives ENCG MARRAKECH (10 et 11 Mai 2018)
Jamila Jouali, Ibtissam Abarar,  “City Branding et Attractivité Digitale : Le Cas de la Ville de Casablanca” 31st IBIMA Conference on April 25-26, 2018- Milan, Italy. Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-0-9998551-0-2)
Kendra Salois, “The ‘Schizophrenic Nation’: Ethics of Critique in Morocco’s Post-Arab Spring Popular Music.” Journal of World Popular Music 5(1), special issue on “Hip Hop Activism and Representational Politics,” Adam Haupt and H. Samy Alim, eds.
Kendra Salois, “Connection and Complicity in the Global South: Hip Hop Musicians and US Cultural Diplomacy.” Journal of Popular Music Studies 27(4): 408-423, special issue “Sounding Global Southernness,” Justin Burton and Ali Colleen Neff, eds.
Kendra Salois, “Make Some Noise, Drari: Embodied Listening and Counterpublic Formations in Moroccan Hip Hop.” Anthropological Quarterly 87(4): 1017-1048, special issue “Islamic Sounds and the Politics of Listening,” Anneliese Moors and Jeanette Jouili, eds.
Lhoussain Simour, “Phraseology in Tourism Travel Guide about Morocco: A Postcolonial Reading,” ed. Monica Bilauca : Langue, Mentalité et Identité dans l’Espace Européen : Représentation Phraséologique en Anthropocosmopolitan (Suceava : Université Stfan Cel Mare, 2016), pp. 161-170. ISBN : 978-973-666-495-3.
Lhoussain Simour, International Conference on “Music and Sound at the Mediterranean Crossroads”, organized by the International Council of Traditional Music Study Group on Mediterranean Music; Essaouira, Morocco, June 18 to 23, 2018. Presentation titled “Sounds and Roots: Nass el-Ghiwane and the Making of Postcolonial Music in Morocco.” (to appear in the proceedings of the conference)
Lhoussain Simour, Conference presentation titled "Cultural Policy and Festivalization in Morocco: Shifting Discourses on Cultural Festivals". During the Conference on “Management and Culture: Cross-cultural Perspectives” (April 26-28, 2017) “organized by LAREMO Research Group. (in progress for the conference proceedings)
Lhoussain Simour, Nass el-Ghiwane and Postcolonial Music in Morocco (Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishers, Oct. 2016)
Touria Neggady, Carmen Nastase, Zakaria Ait Taleb, “The cognitive dissonance in the religious tourism : Case of an Orthodox pilgrimage”, Revista de Tourism (Juillet 2017)