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Integrated with PhD
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas | Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. de Berna, n.º 26 C
1069-061 Lisboa
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: (+351) 21 790 83 00 (ext. 1583)


I am an ethnomusicologist based in Lisbon and Madeira island, Portugal. I am a researcher at Instituto de Etnomusicologia: Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança (INET-md) at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, having completed my PhD in Musicology (specialisation in Ethnomusicology) in May 2019. I also collaborate with the Musicology Department of NOVA FCSH as a Visiting Assistant Professor.

My academic production focuses on the following themes:

  • Nation-building and nationalism in postcolonial Africa;
  • Expressive behaviour, gender and sexuality;
  • Popular music and the study of music industries;
  • Music, propaganda and conflict;
  • Digital humanities and research infrastructures;
  • History of Ethnomusicology.

I have published two books, including A Construção Sonora de Moçambique (1974-1994), book chapters and journal articles. In April 2023, I started a new individual six-year research project - 'Battle of Frequencies'(2022.03938.CEECINDwhich was approved in a highly competitive international callIndividual Scientific Employment Stimulus (5th edition), promoted bythe Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. This project aims to explore the place of music, radio broadcasting and political propaganda during the liberation war in Mozambique (1964-1974).

For more information, including a comprehensive publication list, public outreach, and teaching activities, please visit my website: https://marcofreitas.weebly.com/