Article | "A Great Surprise" the Concert Activity of Spanish Guitarists in Portugal (1854–1909)
Pedro Rodrigues, an integrated researcher at INET-md, has published the article "A Great Surprise" the Concert Activity of Spanish Guitarists in Portugal (1854–1909) in Diacrítica journal, Vol. 38 N.º 2 (2024): Contextos, práticas e repertório(s) para Guitarra Clássica: perspetivas e temas atuais de investigação. The article is available on open access.
The article explores the presence and performance activity of Spanish concert artists in Portugal between 1854 and 1909.

The present article aims to contribute to the history of classical guitar in Portugal between 1854 and 1909 through an analysis of articles published by the press of that time. It presents and discusses the itineraries and performances of Spanish international concert guitarists in Portugal, including Francisco Trinidad Huerta, Antonio Cano, José Rojo, José Toboso, Antonio Jiménez Manjón, Luis de Soria, Agustin Rebel Hernández, Rafael Tost, Brassó, and Peraire. The article describes their travels, concerts and musical programs, reflecting the sometimes-contrasting reception from the public and critics, as well as the use of the guitar in various social and artistic contexts during the 19th century in Portugal.
Classic Guittar, History, Portugal