Chapter | El Análisis Musical y la (re)construcción de un habitus de escucha

Jorge Alexandre Costa publish the chapter "El Análisis Musical y la (re)construcción de un habitus de escucha", at Propuestas Pedagógicas e Interdisciplinares sobre el análisis y la teoria musical, a book coordinated by María Elena Cuenca Rodríguez, Míguel Ángel Ríos Muñoz, Francisco Ruiz Montes and John Griffiths.
Aural Training can be seen as a plural and complex curricular content that, through the development of specific musical skills and the appropriation of organized musical literacy, provides music students with a coherent musical understanding.
To achieve these objectives, this curricular content uses, in the course of its teaching practices, a variety of didactic-pedagogical strategies aimed at (re)constructing a listening habitus that allows students to actively participate in the musical field in which they are involved.
Musical analysis, constructed, first, from the sound signifier and, second, from the meaning of the symbol, is one of those pedagogical tools that best seems to contribute to this (re)construction. The ability to internalize a sound perceived externally and the ability to externalize an internally perceived symbol do not result from any natural gift of the student, but from a conscious perception of the sound/symbol that is promoted by a listening habitus.