Diana Gaspar

- PhD Student
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Diana Gaspar, aged 24, is currently a Doctorate student in Music, at the University of Aveiro, with a specialization in Music Teaching and Music in the Community. Having enrolled for a bachelor's degree in music at the University of Aveiro with a merit award and completed it with a final grade of 17, she finished her master's degree in music education with the same final grade in 2022 at the same institution, presenting a dissertation titled "Media Multitasking during Instrumental Music Practice". Since that year, she has sought to leverage her research, participating in conferences, presenting a paper, and writing articles (not yet published) on the same topic. During her academic training as a guitarist, she had the opportunity to work with several globally recognized guitarists such as Helen Sanderson, Jonathan Leathwood, Dejan Ivanovich, among others, and with two guitarists who later ended up becoming her instrument teachers Pedro Rodrigues and Paulo Vaz de Carvalho. She began music teaching at the young age of 16.TitleMedia Multitasking during Musical Instrument Practice and its Effect on Musicians' Academic PerformanceAdvisorLuís Francisco Mendes Gabriel PedroCoadvsiorAbstractMobile phones are becoming an increasingly integral part of our lives. This fact is observable in various ways, such as with the emergence of the habit of using them simultaneously with work-related tasks for unrelated purposes, like a student using social media while studying. This research aims to investigate the effects that this habit has on musicians' performance when done during music practice and the variables affecting this relationship. Two technical music studies will be selected to be worked on throughout the year by students within a music degree instrument class. Data on media multitasking during practice will be collected through study diaries maintained by the students, performance data through weekly assessments, and factors surrounding the multitasking habit will be analyzed through two interviews conducted at the beginning and end of the process.
Keywords: Multitasking; Media; Music practice; Academic performance; DistractionsResearch Group: Education, Music and Theatre in the Community