Rui Chã Madeira

- PhD Candidate
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
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- Tel: (+351) 234 370 389 (ext. 23700)
Rui Chã Madeira is a native and resident in São Pedro do Sul. Master in psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. Since 2017 he starts doctoral studies in music, specialization in ethnomusicology from the department of communication and arts of the University of Aveiro. Integrates INET-md as a non-doctoral researcher in ethnomusicology and studies in popular music. Collaborates in the research project "Musical Practices, Memory Contexts and Tradition Holders: Survey of Intangible Heritage in the County of São Pedro do Sul", in the research project "EcoMusic - Sustainable Practices: a study on post-folklore in Portugal in the 21st century”, collaborates on the platform “Mpart - Our Music, Our World: Music Associations, Philharmonic Bands and Local Communities - 1880-2018” and also on the platform “Women's Corner: Polyphonies to Three and More Voices in the 21st Century”. Has been doing field work on the musical practices of São Pedro do Sul. He has participated in several musical projects, sound producer for theater plays, short films and cooperated in studio recording sessions. Collaborates as a programmer and promoter of musical activities in a cultural intervention association.
Doctoral ProjectTitleIsabel Gomes Silvestre’s “voice”: Translocation processes in local and global domainsAdvisorAbstractIsabel Gomes Silvestre is a singer of rural music from Manhouce who has achieved national and international projection. Having been an artist at the record label EMI-Valentim de Carvalho, she is currently active in safeguarding, transmitting and disseminating local culture, as well as revitalizing local folklore and cultural tourism. Starting from the analysis of the musical path of Isabel Gomes Silvestre, in her perspective as well as in the perspective of several intervening parties related to her, I intend to understand about the construction of her career as a soloist in the music industries and how the singer redefined the songs of Manhouce and revitalized folklore and cultural and local tourism. In this sense, I will focus on the process of construction and institutionalization of performative practices, as well as the acquisition of musical, social and cultural skills, the incursion into other musical, social and cultural realities and the objectification process carried out by Isabel Gomes Silvestre. The methodology I am going to adopt focuses on biographical ethnography based on the perspective of “subject-centered musical ethnography”. The methods to be used are (1) bibliographic research and analysis, (2) archivist research and (3) fieldwork. The objectives are to understand about (1) the path of Isabel Gomes in the redefinition and objectification of the songs of Manhouce through new established musical and social relations, (2) her action in the revitalization of contexts and practices of rural matrix and transformation of the village of Manhouce in a tourist destination and (3) the relationship between local and global domains discussing notions such as “translocation”, applied to the analysis of Isabel Gomes Silvestre's rural expression “voice” to a commercial “voice”, as observed by the singer's forays into other musical and cultural realities.Research Group: Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies