News | INET-md project is featured in BBC Radio 3 program
The recording of a work by Berta Alves de Sousa, which resulted from a project developed at the Instituto de Etnomusicologia - Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança (INET-md), will be featured on the British public broadcaster. At issue is "Sonho", a work performed by the Euterpe choir under the direction of conductor Vasco Negreiros, a researcher at INET-md. The work can be heard on 3rd April at 9h07am.

BBC Radio 3, the BBC's radio service, will include a work by Berta Alves de Sousa in its program on 3 April, during the "Breakfast" program. This recording is the result of an INET-md project and is the work "Sonho", for women's choir, performed by the Euterpe choir under the direction of conductor Vasco Negreiros.
The work is part of the CD "Sons de Euterpe: Berta Alves de Sousa", published by MPMP Património Musical Vivo. This CD, entirely dedicated to the composer Berta Alves de Sousa (1906-97), was the result of the project "Euterpe Revelada: Mulheres na composição e interpretação musical em Portugal nos séculos XX e XXI" (Euterpe Revealed: Women in musical composition and performance in Portugal in the 20th and 21st centuries), whose aim was to contribute to better knowledge and greater visibility of the contribution of women composers and performers linked to Portuguese classical music in the 20th and 21st centuries.
The INET-md project took place between 2016 and 2019, under the coordination of INET-md researcher Helena Marinho, in a partnership between the Universidade de Aveiro and the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da NOVA Lisboa (NOVA FCSH).