• Disco2

An extraordinay session of the Scientific Council of INET-md was held on 26 May, preceding the INET-md Forum which took place the following day. Among the various items on the agenda, the highlight was the official attribution of the title of President Emeritus to Professor Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, under the terms of article 11 of the Statutes of our Institute. The nomination was unanimously approved by the Scientific Council, at the proposal of the Board of Directors, marking the recognition and gratitude of the entire INET-md community for the invaluable contribution of Professor Salwa Castelo-Branco, founder of our research centre 28 years ago and the main guarantor of its scientific excellence and international recognition.

As defined in our Statutes, the title of President Emeritus is honorary, uninominal and without term. It is the President Emeritus' responsibility, whenever requested by the President of INET-md, to represent the Institute with regards to international organisations, in academic events and in official events organised in any of its branches or by other entities. The President Emeritus may also participate in the coordination of cooperation programmes with other research units and national and international institutions. We will therefore continue to count on the invaluable contribution of Professor Salwa Castelo-Branco in the activities of INET-md, which has always been and will continue to be her home.