• Caretos
Participating institucional
march 2023 – february 2024
European Comission - Programme Erasmus+
DigiMusi (Digital Transformation in Elementary Music Education) is a small scale partnership funded by ERASMUS+ whose aim is to create strategies to address the digital transition in music education. Although many platforms, software, multimedia materials and specific computer applications for music education have been developed in recent years, few teachers have mastered strategies to use these tools in their classes. Based on a network of collaboration, which involves Portuguese and Spanish institutions, DigiMusic will (i) select, develop and implement methodological tools for the use of ICT in elementary music education to allow the digital transition; (ii) develop key competences for students to improve their learning (iii) provide training in innovative methodologies and the use of ICT for the development of digital competence of music teachers.
The project is divided into 4 phases (planning, preparation, execution and monitoring) with pedagogical and research activities that included transnational meetings; training courses (face-to-face and virtual); selection and creation of pedagogical materials; case studies; and evaluation and dissemination of activities. 


Music teaching & learning; Digital skills; Technology; Aural Training and Theory; Instrumental teaching