Tedance. Perspectivas sobre Dança em Expansão Tecnológica

TeDance began as a project supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology. At its inception, it sought to establish connections between four areas - motion capture, augmented reality, character animation and choreography - an experimental and artistic perspective. In this book, the reader may find a set of texts by both Portuguese and foreign researchers and art critics, giving extra volume to the original frame. In fact, the reader will find the four mentioned areas not just as unambiguous vertices, but as attractors for traces of unequal intensities.
This book is not, however, a 'reader', but rather a contribution in order to to better understand the varying geometry of this cubic form that receives new additions in every moment. We believe that the body is at the center of this changing form. And this, in fact, is something that dance - perhaps more than any other performance art - never tires of reminding us.