• Dança 6
André Roque Cardoso, a doctoral student at INET-md, is the author of the article “O repertório pedagógico de piano para a mão esquerda, em Portugal”, recently published in the Revista Portuguesa de Educação Musical (RPEM). Available in open access.




This article analyzes the Portuguese piano repertoire for the left hand, identifying pieces associated with pedagogical contexts. Among the 27 works located, 15 have a connection to teaching, either because they were expressly conceived for didactic purposes, use the designation study, were conceived for school contexts, or were integrated into official teaching programs. The research examines their usefulness or pedagogical purpose, proposing an organization with progressive levels of complexity and diversification of skills. The analysis was based on the parameters established by Minji Lee (2017), adapted to the technical and biomechanical specificities of one-handed playing, and general criteria applicable to any training path. This work shows that, in addition to the technical and expressive benefits of practicing this repertoire, it constitutes an autonomous pedagogical tool, enriching the piano learning path. The conclusion is that the Portuguese repertoire for the left hand not only reinforces technical independence but also promotes contact with a unique and irreplaceable aspect of Portugal's musical and pianistic heritage.
Piano; Left hand; Portuguese music; Pedagogy.